Chapter 14💜

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"i want nayeon unnie to be my maid of honor if she's okay with it" i said while looking down

"okay dear, ask her tomorrow or tonight when you have time " my mom said smiling at me

"so where do you want your wedding to be held?" ask

"church" me and taehyung said at the same time causing us to  look at each other

(A/N : i know that tae is not Christian but in this story all of the members are Christian)

"okay we can do that and for reception we can use one of taehyung's hotel" quickly said

"okay I'll look for it " taehyung said in a bored tone

time skip**

(next day)
at the boutique

" many beautiful dresses" nayeon unnie scream catching the others attention

"baby.....shhh.....people are watching you" jungkook oppa quickly shut her while unnie response with a pout

"hello mrs.min how may i help you" two worker come to us

"hi , we're looking for wedding dresses and suits" i replied

you may wonder why they know my name i came here for my cousin's wedding dress

"okay sure this way, gentlemen please follow ms.lee and ladies please come with us" i think? tell us to follow

"here, guys we will call you when we finish cause your not supposed to see the bride before marriage and if you ask me why, i just made that up just now and from now onwards we will do like that" nayeon unnie said and go to way

after an awful 3 hours i finally found my dress and i promise you i look pretty good i never praise myself but i am okay in the dress

the guys also finish choosing there suit

we decided to went back to taehyung's house to hangout and cook dinner

at taehyung's house

(in the kitchen)

me , jin oppa and nayeon unnie decided to cook since others are pretty bad

after about an hour we are able to finish

"y/n why do you buy 6 dress earlier?" momo unnie ask

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"y/n why do you buy 6 dress earlier?" momo unnie ask

"oh one of my friend from U.S is going to come tomorrow that's why and i hope you don't mind if she join us with the preparing" i ask

"ofc not we welcome everyone" Namjoon oppa replied while smiling

i smile back and eat happily

Kim Taehyung pov***

after the dinner hyung and the girls decided to watch movies so we decided to make the place cosy while y/n and jin hyung make some popcorn and snacks

and about earlier im really surprise by y/n cooking it was really good , i never thought that she can cook cause she look like a spoiled brat not to be mean but she surprise me

this two days im really attached to her which don't want to happen at all because i don't want the same thing to happen again And today i do the best thing i thought to do that is ignore her and till now i don't talk to her but she don't even notice since she is pretty busy and is always stuck with jin hyung they seem to be really close now

we were watching horror movie and i sit in the middle of yoongi hyung and y/n while jin sit next to y/n they are hugging each other and shout together when ever the ghost come out
now i know why they click together 😂

jungkook cuddle with nayeon on the left couch while nayeon unnie hide her head on his chest they are such a cute couple they have lots of ups and downs , even though nayeon is 2 years older she know how to handle jk and how to cheer him up they have been in a relationship since our college days

and infront of us on the floor sits namjoon hyung and chaeyoung this two are in a relationship for 2 years but chaeyoung is already pregnant for 3 months now and will get married after their first child

next to them sit hoseok hyung and momo we call them match maid from heaven (is that right?) they both are really good at dancing nayeon unnie introduced them when hyung search for a new choreographer and they started dating from last month.

and next to our couch is two one seater and their sit jungyeon and jimin ahhh.......about this two *sigh* its complicated they like each other, they don't say it but we can all see it they act like they hate each other but we all know that deep down they care for each other it's just that they don't like to show their emotion

and for jin hyung.............its pretty complicated since he is the oldest he married first but it didn't end well he got married to his first love when we start our college but he is alredy in his last year but something happens and they parted we never saw her after that........from that well jin hyung just focus on his work and us ofc he never forgot about us

well for me i don't date because of my parents because

"ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" y/n and jin shout pull me awake from my thought

i look at them y/n is trembling while jin pass out which is normal cause he always pass out  the other also look at us for a second than went back to the movie

i hug y/n from her waist and pull her closer to my chest , she quickly hug me back i can feel my shirt getting wet omg she is crying i rub her back slowly and whisper sweet things to her ear

after a while i hear her soft breath she falls asleep well that was cute *smile*

i look up to see that the others are looking at me with teasing eyes

"well I'll go put her on bed " i said then lift her than go to my room since all the other guest room will be occupied

i then went to the bathroom to freshen up and if you want to know y/n already change they all decided to have a sleepover here so

i went straight to the bed and pull y/n closer to me than let sleep take over me


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