Chapter 18💜

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  "oppa you scared me" i said to him

"sorry but are you not giving your favorite oppa a hug" he then replied he is with jinsu

"ofc" i then went in for a hug how much i miss this guys

Kim Taehyung pov ***

when y/n walk down the aisle with her dad she look so beautiful i just can't take my eyes off her and when she hesitate to answer the priest i don't know why but i felt scared

after we greet our parents we went on seperate ways i went to my friends

"ohh hyung congrats where is y/n?" jk ask then he saw me then look around

"she went to her friends" i replied while i give bro hug to the others

"you mean that group of guys" jimin asked and point where y/n stand with a group of boys  they were taking and laughing than they went in for a group hug

i felt something in my heart that is really weird

"ohh them they are y/n bestfriends since she is a freshers" jisoo unnie said

than a guy carrying jinsu come towards them than put down jinsu than give y/n a back hug who is he?

i tighten my hand y/n turned around and smile and said something than give him a hug is there something going on between them

my mind was interrupt by yoongi hyung " go get your wife it's time to cut the cake and your dance"

i went toward them then held y/n from her waist "hey baby " i said than kiss her cheeks she blush cute

"hi, meet my friends junior, jb,mark, yugyeom, jackson, youngjae and bambam" she smile at me i shake hands with them

"nice to meet you guys, although i really want to  get to know you more but its time for the ceremony to start and i hope will meet again" i said to them and pull us  towards the cake

"nice to meet you guys, although i really want to  get to know you more but its time for the ceremony to start and i hope will meet again" i said to them and pull us  towards the cake

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"now please everybody let give a big hand to the newlyweds " our mc Dahyun and jin hyung said

we smile and bow a thanks to the guest

"now for our first to open the ceremony lets cut the cake " dahyun said then hyung finish"then they will have there first dance as a newlyweds "

we cut the cake then went to the dance floor

i put both of my hands on her waist and pulled her closer to me she put one of her hand losely around my neck while the other on my chest se sway to the music she still look down never meet my eyes

"what's going on between you and that mark guy?" i ask

"nothing" she replied still looking at the ground

i pull her chin up and let her look at me " look at me when you talk and i don't like that guy he is too touchy"

she just look at me she is so beautiful with fair skin big eyes and plump lips she don't look like hyung at all but i can see her resemble from her mom

"your- "   " can i have a dance with my new daughter now" jin hyung interrupt me

i let them dance than went back to our table i seated when i heard jinsu and jihee conversation i didn't mean to eavesdrop but how can i not the sit just next to me and talk like im not there

"oppa mark uncle is here, i thought that ma and uncle would get married since they like each other" jinhee told jinsu

"jinhee-ah uncle left her with another girl don't you remember auntie cried so hard because of him" jinsu replied so that jerk left my y/n

(A/n: aw.......taehyung-ah 'my y/n'😏😏

taehyung: shut up author nim)

"but why did auntie still hangout with him when he is a playboy?" jinhee ask again how did she even know what playboy means

"because jinhee uncle apologize, don't you remember ma always teach us to forgive people and help people who need help and never say bad words, fight or disturbed others 'people don't always feel the same way as you or think the same way as you so you need to look for other perspection too' that what she also said take that into you thick head and now eat your cake finish and I'll dance with you" now i know why y/n really like jinsu he is well mannered and mature she also teach them really well

jinhee quickly ate her cake then pulled jinsu towards the dance floor such a cute siblings how lucky hyung is to have a kids like them

Min Y/N pove***

"y/n-ah" jin say looking at me "i need to tell you something and it's really important "

"what is it oppa" i ask

"actually im jisoo's ex husband" oppa said i feel the colour draining from my face

"that means your the twins dad" i am shook will be the statement

"yeah while we dance let me tell you about what's happen i already made up with jisoo she is not ready to tell you but you need to know.

Jisoo is my first love and we started dating from high school we also have are up and downs but we still go strong together, when we are in college he is junior while im in my last year we got married we are a happy couple but there is this girl name Irene in my class she is a little crazy about me and when she know about our marriage she became more obsessed and want me to be hers so on the day of our anniversary i was waiting for jisoo when Irene come to me and tell me about how she felt than she suddenly kiss me i quickly push her away than i saw jisoo running out from the restaurant i was about to run after her but Irene held me back and tell me to let her calm down but it was her trick she sent a message to jisoo from my phone when i went to the restroom and when i went back home all her clothes went missing and i found a letter telling me to have happy ever after with Irene"

"oppa its okay now actually unnie really love you till now and im happy for the twins too do you know how much they want dad in their life" i said withtears in my eyes

"yes jisoo told me about it now please don't cry and i will also try my best to be a great dad to them"

"ahem.... everyone please listen here now, we will have the wedding speech from the family and friends" dahyun said

"i need to go see you soon bunny" jin oppa said then went to sit on the table taehyung take me by the hand and we went to our seat

"now for the first speech will call both of their parents to have a speech together"jin oppa announced


they finally get married!!!!!!!!!and wow we found out a lot in this chapter

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