A Glimpse Into The Past

Start from the beginning

He nods. "Yeah.. not fully sure why though."

"Well.. then I guess we better start heading down. Dinner must be ready." I state.

"It must be." He agrees and holds out an arm for me. I look to it for a moment before taking it after closing the door behind me.

For the first couple of minutes, Hiccup and I walk quietly down the hallways. As I hold onto his arm, I can't help but feel the slight muscle he has. Even though it's covered by layers of fabric I can still feel the definition of his arm. I take a glance at his hands and see the scars and calluses from working at the blacksmith shop.

"I noticed you were working at the blacksmith shop today." I mention as we walk toward the dinning hall. I figured I could use this short amount of time to get to know him a bit more. See what kind of person he is; and to see if he's any different than his past persona.

"Uh.. yeah.. I've been working there since I came to town actually." He states a bit surprised.

I glance up at him. "Really? How long have you been here?" I ask.

"About a week. My friend Jack and I came here for the summer to experience something new and different." He explains. "In order to keep food in our stomaches though and buy just about anything, we need to work. Jack became a sheep herder and I became a blacksmith."

"Why a blacksmith?" I ask curiously.

"I've always been interested in creating and inventing things. Working with my hands is one of my favorite things to do. It's not easy to find those kinds of jobs where I come from." He glances down at me as he explains his reasonings.

I look to him for a moment before asking another question. "Have you had a chance to create or invent anything since you've been here?"

He shakes his head no. "No, I haven't. I want to but since we meet your sister the first night of our stay, we've been helping her out. We've barely had a chance to enjoy the house we are staying in."

"How have you been helping out my sister?" I ask while thinking, and why would she need your help?

"Well..... she needed our help to wake you up."

At the sound of his answer, I become quiet and look forward as we walk. Of course. Elsa has been trying to wake me up for the past 200 years. She must've asked everyone she could to help.

"Well.. thank you for helping her out." I thank him softly, remembering the moment I woke up from my two century long slumber.

I never asked what my sister had to do to wake me up. I'm sure she told me some of it but there was a lot of things going on when I woke up. I'll have to talk to her about all of it later, when the two of us are alone.

While I was in my own little word, I didn't even realize we ended up in the dining area with Elsa and Jack. Both of them are talking with each other, not fully noticing we have walked into the room. Hiccup and I walk over to the table, while they talk to one another. He steps away and pulls out a chair for me to sit without even a word. I give him a slight nod and thank him before sitting down next to my sister, who looks over to me and smiles. I smile back to her as I notice Hiccup take a seat next to me instead of his friend Jack. I look to him curiously but then try to push it aside, figuring he must have a reason.

For the remainder of the night, we chat with one another and enjoy our meal. By the end of the night, I am standing in my balcony looking toward the direction of the house on the hill, wondering if anything has changed about it in the past couple of centuries. There's only one way to figure out if anything has, and that's by visiting it tomorrow. I wonder what will happen.


Hello wonderful readers!!

I decided to give you a long chapter today for many reasons! The first because you deserve it, the second because I couldn't find the perfect way to end it and third because I couldn't stop typing!! XD

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter will be working on the next one shortly. I was given a wonderful idea by @XIloveimaginationsX !!

I will try to get another chapter out within the next couple of days before updating other stories. I am also heading back to school to hopefully finish my degree and will be busy Saturday moving into my dorm!

Please vote, comment, and share! If you follow, I will try my best to follow back!!

Have a wonderful day!!

Thank you all again for reading!!


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