Money, money, money

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"I'm sorry about the news Kate, we all heard what they are trying to do" My roommate says coming over to give me a hug

"Yeah well that's the soccer federation for you in America" I sigh out not even angry at this point I'm just upset that it's come down to this

"Can you not come play over in the UK? Join City or I'll even forgive you for going to Chelsea or Arsenal if it means I get to see you more" Lauren asks full of hope but she doesn't know what it's like playing for the league in the US

"I wish but no, I still have a one year contract at Orlando which means I have to do whatever they say and that means being traded to Houston" I tell Lauren who looks at me sadly again

"At least you'll have Rachel with you, I know she'll look after you there" She says and I smile a little at that

"I should probably go find her actually, see if she knows anything" I say and Lauren hugs me one last time before I head out our room and go down to Rachel's

I knock and Millie is the first to the door an she's got an apologetic look on her face just like everyone I have seen since coming back to the hotel. I know they all mean well but I'm mature enough to get over it and see the bigger picture in it all.

"Is Rach in here Mil?" I ask the defender

"Yeah she's speaking with your mum actually" Millie tells me and I furrow my eyebrows at that thinking she was on the phone speaking to different people.

I walk in and see the pair of them in deep conversation, they almost look like they're arguing which is definitely what I do not want. So I head towards them and they soon stop talking when they see me come over

"Hey Kate what are you doing here?" Mom asks me suddenly becoming all cheery like I haven't just seen her and Rach

"Cut the BS mom I could see you guys where arguing and I want to know why because I don't know what the pair of you have to dispute over" I say a little angrily as I cross my arms over my chest

"I knew before all this that the Dash where looking to make a trade for someone from Orlando but I didn't know who I swear" Rachel says looking back at my mom

"Rach is telling the truth mom, if she knew anything she would have told me straight away I know that" I add on sticking up for my close friend

"I know Rachel and I'm sorry for getting angry, this is all just a lot to handle right now, how can they just spring this on me, on us, so late in the trade?" Alex says as she runs her fingers through her hair

"So how long do I have left at Orlando then?" I ask causing the two adults to look at each other for a second and then turn their attention back to me

"2 weeks"

- - - -

"I love you okay, and we'll figure this all out when you get back but just focus on the national team right now, don't worry about anything else" Mom tells me as we hug each other in the lobby of the hotel

"I won't don't worry just make sure to give Mark a good slap for me even though it wasn't his fault" I say making her laugh a little

She lets me out of the hug and places a quick kiss on my head before going over to where Lucy and KB are standing, I watch as she talks to them both for a second and hugs them too while the pair nod their heads in response to whatever my mom asked.

I feel a hand be placed on my arm as the girls all here watch Alex walk out the hotel and go back to Orlando, the place that's no longer going to be my home unfortunately but I know that wherever Alex is that will always be my home.

Becoming A LionessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora