Bad News

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"Okay guys one at a time please Jesus," I say as they all decide to start shouting at once

"I thought you said you got adopted?" Jill asks

"I did, Alex and Servando adopted me just before I left for England, I'd been living with her for like 3 years before that anyway" I explain.

"How come you never told us?" Lucy asks next

"I didn't want you all to look at me differently knowing that Alex Morgan was my mom, I wanted to prove myself to you all" I explain sheepishly

"You know we would have never done that Kate, you've got real talent we can all see that clearly" Steph says making me smile

"I know that now which is why I'm telling you all," I say

"and I just want to thank you all for making Kate feel so welcome here, it was a tough choice to play for England but you guys have made it easier for her," Mom says making me blush from embarrassment

"Aww is baby America blushing," Jordan says as I roll my eyes at her.

"But Rachel Daly I've got words with you," Alex says suddenly turning to point at the Dash forward who gulps nervously

"Did I not tell you specifically to keep an eye on my daughter and tell me if anything happened?" Alex questions as Rach seems to shrink further into the chair

"Yes you did" She mumbles out

"And did you also turn your phone off after yesterdays game?" Alex continues to investigate the poor woman

"Yes I did" Rachel mumble again

"Just checking what I need to tell Kristie that's all" Alex smirks out making Rachel gasp and finally look at my mom.

"No please don't, she's already going to kill me enough" Rach whines as the team laughs knowing she'll be in the dog house as soon as she gets home

"I've got to go call my husband and tell him everything's okay but it was lovely to finally meeting you all" Mom says to the group

"Tell dad that I'm sorry please," I ask sheepishly to which she nods and kisses my head before leaving the room.

I brace myself for the second ambush I'm about to face once mom leaves the room and I was right because as soon as the doors closes and we can all hear Alex making her way down the hall, the team goes into chaos again.

"Kate can not answer all your questions if you're yelling" Steph says going full captain mode on them

"If the US ever asked you to go back would you?" Beth England asks starting off bluntly which does case Jodie to slap her on the arm

"It's a fair enough question and to answer you, no I wouldn't. When I first joined, it was in the back off my mind but I can't see myself playing anywhere else anymore you guys are my team" I say and they all let out awes at my response

"Is that why you wanted the number 13 so badly, because of your mom?" Carly asks

"Yeah, I obviously don't have her surname on the back of my jersey so I wanted something to honour her by but I was more than happy having whatever number you guys gave me but having hers just makes it feel like she's there you know?" I tell the team who nod their heads with me

"Wait does that mean the youngsters knew who your mom was before us?" Leah asks me causing the ones who knew to give the team sheepish smiles

"Yes they did, I told them on my first day here since she called me and they over heard my conversation which would have been weird without knowing the context" I explain not wanting to get them in shit

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