Possible starting 11?

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I'm back! Thank you all for being so patient with my while I took my break, I needed to recharge my batteries a little and get my creative spark back.

I've been working hard on a new book that's not ready yet but I think it's going to be one of my biggest yet and I'm excited to share it with you all in the near future.

But for now, enjoy another chapter of Becoming A Lioness and don't forget to vote and comment 🧡

"We are so late!" I scream out running around Georgias' apartment trying my best to collect up all my belongings.

Somehow we managed to sleep through our alarm probably because we were both so comfortable sleeping in each other's arms, which will not be mentioned to anyone by the way, and just didn't hear it.

"Just bring your bag to the door already!" She yells after me as I zip up my suitcase

"Steph is going to actually kill us if we're not ready," I tell G just as I meet her in the living room.

"Tell me about it Kate, and if she doesn't KB will" Georgia adds in really helping settle my nerves

Just as I'm about to reply we hear the front doorbell go off and I look at Georgia in a state of panic wondering what do to.

"Just go get all our shit together like phones, wallet, passport and I'll stall," She tells me, I nod my head and go back running to our room.

I hear here talking to whoever's at the door which is probably our captain while I grab all our stuff. I pick up both our passports first wanting to make sure we have them and then take my wallet and her purse off the bedside table.

"Where's Kate at we really need to get going," Steph says just as I run around the corner

"Sorry Steph, forget to pick up my wallet" I smile trying not to show how out of breath I am right now

"Okay then, grab your bags and head into the van parked outside" She replies looking at me sceptically but moving on.

Georgia and I do as we're told, slinging our backpacks on and wheeling our suitcases out the front door. We let Steph go ahead while G locks up her apartment.

"Did got get everything we need?" She whispers to me

"Yeah, passport and wallets, you've already got your phone right?" I ask wanting to make sure I haven't forgotten it

"It's in my pocket," She tells me.

"Perfect then we're set, let's get going camp" Georgia smiles at me and I smile back, ready to show everyone that I deserve to be here.

As we make our way to the airport, all the City girls packed into the van which is quite a lot actually, I sit next to Georgia my headphones in and listen to my music trying to think about what happened last night.

What does it mean for us now? We didn't really get a chance to talk about it this morning, having woken up late and all, so right now I'm trying to not look to my left wondering if Georgia is thinking like me right now.

I really like this girl and I haven't felt like this about anyone, I've slept with plenty of people, had a few one nights stands I'm not that proud of but never have I genuinely wanted to be in a relationship.

Yet here I am thinking about waking up each morning and seeing her adorable face sleeping next to mine.

"Kate we're here" Georgia says

I snap out my daze and look around to see the van parked in the airport drop off section and all our teammates already getting off the bus.

"Sorry G, I didn't realise we'd already arrived," I say nervously feeling the blush rise up my cheeks for some reason.

Becoming A LionessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant