Compnay Funds

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"Another great session girls! At this rate we'll be in the running for the league I reckon" Coach says getting a few excited shouts from the veteran club players, "Go clean up and I'll see you all in a couple of days"

Everyone goes back to their conversations and I head off to the sidelines to grab my gear. Life has been busy with trying to find my new rhythm with this team all whilst getting used to being so far from home. It hasn't been easy, not that I expected it to be, but it has been good, part of me feels like it was a necessary change, one I wasn't going to take it by myself.

"Come on Speedy, if we wanna catch the new episode of the bachelor we need to be going" Rachel shouts at me as I just roll my eyes with a small smile on my lips.

"I'm still mad you got me hooked on that show, It's literal garbage" I declare as we walk off the pitch and through the tunnel to the changing rooms.

"That's what makes it so good though!" She says in argument.

We joke our way through the next 20 minutes or so, other people getting involved in our many varying topics off conversations and after saying goodbye to the rest of our teammates we finally meet up with Kristie and head off home. I listen as the pair jokingly squabble over last weeks laundry and decide to let them carry on whilst I check my phone.

No new messages, what a surprise. Communication with mom has been, difficult to put lightly. If I was to put it accurately I would probably say it has been non-existent with phone calls either being ignored completely or cut short by a sudden emergency happening on the other end. Kristie and Rachel have tried to convince me that she's just busy being the all-important women's athlete she is. I understand that don't get me wrong, these days I feel like I'm getting a taste of it first hand but a part of me hoped she'd still find time to talk to her adopted daughter.

"Kate?" I hear my name being said from in front

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I ask the pair as they've turned around to face me from the front seat

"We just wanted to know what you felt about going out for Italian tonight, try the new place that's just opened up around the corner?" Kristie says no doubt ignoring my sudden spacing out

"For sure, I miss the good tasting lasagne I used to get back at home" I reply almost dreamily

"Hey! I made lasagne last week" Rachel says with a frown

"Exactly my point Rach" I smirk out and quickly open the car door before her brain can catch up with what I've said.

I use my own set of keys and unlock the apartment for us and quickly head to the shower, wanting to be the one to get in first. I let the warm water soothe my body after that training session, I've been pushing myself to be the best, hoping that I'll be able to get a starting position when the season begins and from the encouraging looks coach has been giving me I think its a real possibility

"Hurry up Kate, I want some hot water too you know!" Rachel shouts from behind the bathroom door

"I'll be out in a second!" I quickly shout back, turning off the water and getting myself dried and wrapped in the towel before opening the door to an unimpressed looking English women

"you can't even give me that look when I'm the one paying the water bills now," I say with a sly grin only for her to push past and lock the door behind her

I head to my room, taking a quick second to appreciate the many added features I've bought since arriving. I change into some comfy clothes these and shake my hair off dry before
absentmindedly checking my phone that's on my bed. Expecting another blank screen I barely look at it as the screen switches on and throw it back down only realising that I have indeed gotten a phone call, and seemingly quite a few from various people. Before I even get a chance to pick it back up I hear Kristie let out a few colourful swear words on the other side. Quickly rushing out to see if anything's wrong I see her staring down hard at her phone.

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