New team, old faces

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"sit down next to us and people will slowly start to introduce themselves" Lauren whispers to me as we walk to get out food and sit back down at our table

I try and hide that fact that I'm incredibly nervous right now since I'm in a room full of people I don't know. I do as Lauren tells me and sit down next to her and Ellie.

"Hi I'm Jordan, it's nice to finally meet you Kate, hope these munchkins aren't getting you in too much trouble" She says pointing at my roommate and her friends

"no they've been great," I say smiling as they try to act mad

"Ignore Jordan, she's just as bad as that lot sometimes, I'm Leah," The girl next to her says introducing herself to me

"Nice to meet you Leah," I say smiling at her.

"Kate?" I hear someone shout from behind me.

I whip my head around to see Rachel walking through the double doors, with who I guess is Millie, grinning at me.

"Rach!" I say happy to see a familiar gave around here

"I haven't seen you in forever," She says coming to give me a hug as I get out of my seat.

"I know it's been too long, I swear Sydney and Kristie purposely keep us away from each other" I tell her

"that's what I was thinking!" Rachel exclaims making us both laugh

"I'm confused as to how you two know each other so well," Kiera asks

"Kate is super close friends with Sydney who is best friends with Kristie hence why we know each other" Rachel explains for her teammates.

"that makes sense," Jordan says

"don't tell me you two are going to cause mayhem though, you and Millie are bad enough," Leah says

"no promises" Rachel replies slinging an arm over my shoulder.

After a couple of more introductions, we finally head out to the coach and to St. Georges Park for our first training session. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous right now but I know as soon as I step into the pitch I'll forget about it all.

"Ready to kick butt speedy?" Rachel asks walking up next to me

"I hope so," I say looking around the place

"you'll fit in perfectly I promise, I just hope we're on the same team, I don't want to be embarrassed by your Tobin heath skills" Rachel says nudging my shoulder

"Whatever you say" I reply to the Houston player

Phil quickly introduces me to the rest of the girls which I find incredibly awkward but we soon start training so I don't have to think about that embarrassing moment any longer.

"We are doing sprints so get into two lines please" Phill announces making a few girls groan but I don't mind sprints.

"you ready to leave us all in the dust speedy" Rachel says chuckling at me

"I might go easy, what do you think," I say joking with her

"I think you should turn the jets on," She says winking at me and walking back off

I wait for my turn and see I'm sprinting next to Ellen White, a player I really look up to in her style of play

"Ready kid?" she asks turning to glance at me

"always" I reply and wait for the whistle to be blown.

I push off hard and keep my head down low, pumping my arms back and forth while my legs do their thing and take me across the finish line.

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