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"Georgia please I can walk, I haven't had my legs amputated," I say in protest but she's adamant about helping me walk to my front door.

The doctors did all the tests and observations on me for 2 more days before they finally let me leave those depressing four walls. Turns out the knock to my head caused post-concussion syndrome that's going to leave me with headaches and dizziness for a little while longer. How long I'm not sure but the doctors assured me that I can get back to soccer after a week of solid rest, and not to get into any future head clashes too serious. Like that's going to be possible.

"I'm sorry, have you forgotten about the gash to the bottom of your leg?" She states with her eyebrows raised at me

"Yeah yeah, okay I see your point" I begrudgingly reply.

Georgia uses my key to open the front door and leaves it open when we walk in for Kristie, Rachel and Lauren who are bringing the two visitors' bags up. I hobble my way over to the couch and crash into the soft cushions.

"This is so much nicer than a hospital room" I sigh in relief

"Seriously Georgia! How much stuff did you bring!" Rachel shouts dropping the 3 bags precariously balanced on her arms to the floor  in exhaustion.

"It's all Laurens! Don't blame me for it" G replies in her defence.

Lauren looks up from her spot behind Rach with a mischievous grin having somehow managed only to carry one small backpack up.

"All I said was someone brought half their kitchen sink, you're the one who assumed it was Little G," Lauren says coming down to sit next to me.

"I don't know why I'm even surprised, I live with Kristie, the girl who takes the whole bedroom with her literally every time" Rachel grumbles.

"I heard that sweetie!" Kristie says walking in with just one bag on her shoulder.

"So what are we doing today guys? I want to show Georgia and Lauren around the city, maybe take them to see some sights?" I ask the group feeling excited about my two friends being up here for the first time.

"We're not going anywhere hun, doctors' orders are to rest and recover, that doesn't involve you being a tour guide does it," Georgia says giving me another disapproving look.

"Yeah but come on, that's like suggested stuff though isn't it," I say with a small grin on my face only to receive a blank stare back.

"I vote for a board game night," Lauren says from next to me.

"Sounds like a great idea, Kate's also shit at them so we'll be in for an easy win," Rachel says with a smirk.

"Hey, that's not fair! How was I supposed to know you guys are like competitive monopoly players in your spare time!" I shout throwing my hands into the air.

Georgia just shakes her head laughing at me before taking a seat next to me, sandwiching me between my two national teammates, while Kristie and Rach bring the bags into the spare bedroom.

"I'm glad you're okay Kate, I was worried," Georgia says, taking my hand in hers and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"We all were," Lauren says putting her head on my free shoulder.

I just take a deep breath in and sling my arm around Laurens's shoulder and squeeze Georgia's hand a little tighter.

"I'm glad you're both here, I don't think I could have done this alone," I say honestly.

"And we'll remind you until your hair starts to turn grey that you're not alone anymore Kate Harper Morgan, you got a whole big family supporting you," Lauren says with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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