Chapter 3

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Hey guys!!! I assume that all this has gone unbearably boring by now. But I assure you that the chapter after this has some serious life-death situations!!! Fun, am I right!?!?

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I woke up at 5am the next  morning inorder to go for a morning run.

I came back  home after jogging 3 km like a maniac. I was tired and grabbed my water bottle and sat down ony couch. Dad was cooking breakfast for me and my brother. Jonathan came down brushing his curly dark hair and wore his usual dirty spectacles.
His girlfriend Biana rang the doorbell after a while. Her beautiful black hair was in a tight ponytail and her grey eyes sparkled behind her spectacles. She gave me a small smile and asked Jonathan to hurry.
"Hey!! Im coming alright. Wait.."

"What now!?!?" Biana asked, clearly annoyed
"I've to pee now. Soo, see u in a bit" Jonathan cried running up the stairs.
" How do you tolerate him!?" I asked her half laughing
" To be honest, even I don't know" Biana replied and smiled. That smile was enough to light up the the darkest of rooms.
"So, how's your preperation going?". I asked. Both Biana and Jonathan wanted to go to med school together, then settle down in New York work in one of the best hospitals in the United States, then get married and start their research about cancer cells. So their life was pretty much planned out.
"Yeah, it's well I don't know" she said in a highly disappointed way, much to my surprise.
"What? Why? What happened?"
"Nothing, it's just to get into an ivy league we have to get top grades in well EVERYTHING ? So, I am just
worried about Jonathan" she said  in a concerned tone."He isn't taking his  studies  seriously."

Guess she has a point. But I desperately wanted to tell her that there's no point in planning so much because all we can do is propose , rest is up to the universe. After all, life may have other plans.

"Hey, if I were you I wouldn't worry much bout it. Jonathan will surely get serious. Im gonna make sure of it!" I guaranteed her. (Even though I don't have the slightest idea of how I'm gonna do that)
She nodded nervously. "Just keep an eye on him okay?"
"Okay" I smiled back.
Jonathan finally was ready to leave. We bade goodbye.

"Bye Jonathan, pay attention in your classes" I remarked. 

He sighed wryly and slung his backpack on his shoulders. Holding hands, Biana and Jonathan went off to school

I went up to my room. It was 7:50  now. Gosh time flies. Marla would probably arrive after 10 minutes.

The weather looked warm today. I was able to see red-orange leaves on the withered trees,  the greyish-blue waters of the beach in the distance and some children playing in the park. The  College-going students were enjoying their fall breaks.

          Who would think that such a small town like Juno would contain 60 years of confidential information and unknown secrets of psychopaths, serial killers, terrorists, rapists, sucide bombers and my personal favourite - drug dealers.

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