"Harry? Can we leave?" I ask feeling small and he smiles.

"Of course Niall." He says will a soft understanding smile.

"Wait! Niall please! You can't leave like this. Do you hate me?" Liam pleads with me tears falling down his face. He looks heartbroken and I can't help but let more tears fall down my face.

I walk over to him with a slight limp and embrace him in a big hug.

"I'm not able to stay here right now Li. I'm going to stay with Harry for a while and recover more. I don't hate you, and I could never hate you, but I am extreamly hurt and betrayed and I can't be near you at the moment." I tell him honestly. We cry in each others arms for another minute and he looks at me sadly. He nods telling me he understands and he gives me a peck on my forehead, and lets go of me and I limp over to Harry, who steadies me and we walk out of the house.

"So how are you?" Harry asks after a long silence.

"Been better honestly." I say with a small laugh. I think Harry slumps in relief hearing my laugh. He's been watching me the while ride, thinking I'm going to break down. Honestly I think I'm still in shock, and the break down will come.

"Oh Harry? I need clothes, since we obviously didn't get any of mine." I say when the thought comes to my head.

Harry suddenly makes a sharp turn and I see a mall coming up. Harry pulls into the parking lot, in the closest parking spot.

After helping me out of the car, and a little resistance from me accusing him of treating me like a baby. He gives me a pleeding look and I give in and let him baby me.

"Where do you wanna go?" Harry asks looking around. Every shop around me only has shirts for $500 each and I don't have that kind of money, and I certanly don't expect Harry to spend so much on me.

"Err I don't know all these shops are a bit pricey." I say fiddling with my shirt feeling uncomfortable. Every person here is in designer clothing with bags and bags of clothes, and I have ripped jeans and a t-shirt.

"Doesn't matter, I'll pay for it," Harry says simply and I shake my head.

"No! These clothes are ridiculously expensive. Why don't we just go to a thrift store or something and pick up some cheaper clothes." I say and he shakes his head no budging.

"I have enough money, my dad gives me like a million a month just for like existing. Plus thrift stores are like used clothes and you deserve better." Harry says casually, but with a fake shudder when he mentioned the thirft stores. I decide to have a bit of fun.

"Ya know, me and my mum used to love going thrifting, it's fun and honestly nice clothes for a really good price. Not everyone has money over flowing out of their bank accounts. Honestly Harry, I can't believe you said something so inconsiderate." I say with a straight face and I can see him panicking internally trying to figure out how to back out of the situation he got himself in.

"I-I-I m-mean i-its really n-nice clothing, maybe you'd just like to treat yourself, with some new stuff? I mean nothing wrong with thrifting, I love thrifting, something about giving old clothes a home again right? Feels like you're doing society a favor." He stutters and it takes everything I have to not burst out laughing. I fail.

Once I start I can't stop laughing, and soon my stomach hurts but I can't do anything about it and Harry's looking at me confused as hell, and everyone around us is looking at me like I'm insane.

"Oh God! Did you see your face!" I say my voice high pitched from laughing. Harry looks at me before slapping me lightly and laughing as well.

"You scared the crap outta me!" He exclaims and we laugh some more.

"Sorry mate." I say and his face deflates just a tiny bit. Maybe I was just imagining it, but I looked like Harry looked sad when I metioned us being friends? Did he not wanna be friends. Did he wanna be more that friends? I hoped it was the latter, but he also just got out of a relationship, so he probably isn't ready with another one. Though he didn't seem to upset Louis was all over Liam today. Maybe he was just mad for me and he wasn't thinking about it at the time.

Harry is gonna be the death of me I swear.

Okayyyy! So I have some news. Good news btw. I am prepping to start a new book (Narry ofc) and I'm not sure when I will start to release it, but until this book ends it will be my number one priority, since I hate when authors write a book, start a new one and abandon their other books. I've done that and it doesn't feel great honestly. ANYWAYS. I will be dropping some hints maybe on my instagram, or on here for those who don't have instagram. If you do my @ is music.by.wolfie_13 and I post when I've updated this book with a short chapter summary, if anyone cares. I have plans for this book to have around 10 - 15 chapters left, so it's no where near done. If y'all are interested in getting the new book a bit faster comment #newnarry and maybe I'll write the first few chapters before my holiday ;)

I'm also coming to terms how short my chapters really are. I know I should make them longer, but they believe it or not take me quite a few hours with planning, writing and quick editing. I want to hopefully write longer chapters, but I don't think that will happen this book. I'm growing as an author and I will hopefully learn from this book!

Thanks I know this was a lot!

Anyways how did you like the chapter? I enjoyed writing it alot and I hope you liked it. There was a pretty big flare up in the beginning, and I think a lot of you guys saw it coming. I decided to add some good Narry at the end since I can and it's nice to end a chapter on a high note, even though I know I can't always do that.



The Irish Exchange Student (Narry Storan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن