He breathes out a relieved breath and nods his head a little, setting his hands on his hips "Yeah- damn, I'm so glad we understand each other" he laughs and moves his hand between us to accentuate his next words "Made for each other I tell ya."

I don't say anything and continue to stare at him– he doesn't budge though and when he still doesn't continue I just raise a brow at him "Seriously?"

He scrunches up his face and groans in frustration "Just drop it please, Adds, okay? Forget I said anything"

"But you did say something" I oh so helpfully point out the obvious and he throws me a look "That doesn't sound like we're dropping it..."

I breathe out a scoff and raise my brows towards him "Oh bugger off, why won't you talk to me about what you meant?"

"Your accent is getting so much stronger being around Kaya and Thomas all the time" he smiles, however, I breathe out a calming breath and deadpan "Dylan"

"Addison" he repeats back the same way I said his name and I give him an unimpressed face causing him to shrug "Oh, we weren't just saying our full names? We hardly ever do that-"

When I don't laugh and continue to stare at him, hoping that he'll read the room and actually talk to me, his face drops and he stands up a little straighter as he looks over my face "Jesus you just got the most serious I think I've ever seen you."

Throwing my arms out to my sides I step back from him "That's because I am being serious and borderline ready to start a fight with you because you won't tell me what's going on- why won't you talk to me?"

Even I could hear the hurt in my voice with that last question and I watch as his face softens and he snaps his mouth closed.

He doesn't answer straight away, however, I see the muscle in his jaw twitch a few times before he breathes out a harsh breath and looks me right in my eyes "It's not that I don't want to talk to you when something is bothering me, Adds, it's– I will sound insane about this and I'm not ready for this to be over because I make the mistake and say some moronic insane shit to you"

Giving him a half smile, I try to lighten the mood and reassure him "I mean, I'll have to take into consideration the level of insane but I can say with 98% certainty that this won't be over."

"That 2% scares me" he answers immediately, his voice so quiet and unsure it has me stepping closer towards him and setting my hands on his chest "Dyl..."

I trail off, letting my unspoken words hang in the air that I'm ready to listen whenever he's ready to tell me what's going on.

He's silent again, however I can see his mind going a mile a minute as he moves his eyes between mine and sets his hands on my hips.

He moves my shirt up just enough so his warm hands are touching my skin. I feel his fingers tap against me a few times before he finally breathes out quickly "I haven't been able to bring myself to watch season 2."

"You've not seen season 2 of- of the Originals?" I guess, drawing my brows together as I try to put together why this relates to what we're talking about and he shakes his head in confirmation "No- well I mean yes, I've seen some but I haven't watched past the first few episodes."

I quickly rack my brain, trying to sift through the memories of filming the beginning of the season and I suck in a soft breath as realization quickly overcomes my face- I may not be kissing anyone here but I did on that set.

Watching my reaction he makes a noise and nods his head quickly "Yeah exactly, okay and that's fucking insane because you- we weren't- there's no fucking logical reason for me not to be able to watch what I know happens and yet here I am not in on the know of what happens after episode like 8 or some shit"

From Work, With Love || Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now