Guest Star

754 17 16

Addy POV

We have not moved from our spot standing in the kitchen, my arms wrapped around the back of his neck while Dylan's alternate between gripping my sides and sliding up my back to pull me closer against him.

He makes a content little hum noise, pressing his lips onto mine once more before he pulls away just enough to connect his eyes with mine "I don't think I'll ever get used to kissing you like this"

My brow quirks and tilt my head slightly to the side "Is that a bad thing or--"

"Nope, good- it's definitely a good thing" he interrupts, connecting his lips to mine once more quickly before he continues "Kissing you has always been fucking amazing but knowing that it's not for a scene and you're actually kissing me back because you want to is just-"

"I always wanted to kiss you" I interrupt and he pulls me closer with my words, the smile that overcomes his face lighting up the whole room "Right, but I was not aware of that little fact before tonight. So kissing you with that little voice in the back of my head being quiet right now is the best feeling in the world."

"My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, what are you doing to me?" I question and he shakes his head, his eyes moving over my face with the sweetest look on his face "I'm not doing anything different than what I have been doing- miniscule difference is now you know whyI'm looking at you this way."

"Fuck, I love you" I repeat his words from earlier and he chuckles, the noise getting swallowed up and quickly turning into a moan while we move our lips together.

After however much time, that I could care less is passing, passes I press one more kiss to his lips before I run my nose along his "I keep expecting to hear someone call cut"

Dyl smiles and I can feel his fingers lift the hem of my shirt up just enough to set his hands on my skin, sending goosies everywhere as he gently moves his thumbs over my skin "Same here, that's going to hopefully be easy to get used to though"

I smirk up at him "Hopefully-- guess we should, maybe, I dunno- keep trying to get rid of that anticipated feeling"

"Yeah- yeah I think you may be on to something" he smirks, his fingers pressing into my sides more earning me to hum in agreement "I mean, purely for research purposes for the well being of our sanity."

Dyl chuckles and pulls me closer into his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist "Stay with me tonight?"

"You want me to?" I question softly, looking up at him and he widens his eyes, standing up straighter with his hands landing on my hips "Yeah of course, just to stay- we don't- we don't have to do- I didn't mean for that to sound like I was- not that I don't want to- because I do- just not- I don't want to rush-" he stammers, breathing out harshly as he looks up to the ceiling "Fucking christ."

I giggle softly, running my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck "I knew what you meant."

He closes his eyes and releases a calming breath before he connects his eyes with mine and leans his forehead against mine "I can't imagine you leaving me after tonight- I just want you with me, wearing my shirt while I cuddle you in my bed."

I smile with his words, feeling warm all over while his hands grip onto my sides a little more "I do not want you to feel rushed or to ever feel like I'm expecting anything. We do this, everything at your pace, Adds. I just got you and I don't want to do anything to push you away- ever."

"You're pretty much stuck with me" I reply with a little shrug and he chuckles softly, his eyes moving between mine quickly "Yeah?"

"Yeah" I smile brightly and he nods his head once "Well good because, and I mean I don't want to scare you but, you're pretty much stuck with me for the long haul, baby."

From Work, With Love || Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now