Running Lines

682 16 14

Addy POV

Today, the 21st of December aka my birthday, was spent being absolutely spoiled by my mum with breakfast and some shopping where we found an outfit specifically for tonight.

After lunch we finished the day at a salon with Holl, Crystal and Adelaide where our hair was styled perfectly to match our looks for the night out that they have put together for me this evening.

My hair is down my back in soft curls complimenting my lace little black romper dress. I especially loved that it looks like a dress in the front, but I have the comforting knowledge that it's actually a romper so I won't be embarrassing myself getting in and out of the car or while dancing.

This is the first year where we're really using our VIP status since going out and it's definitely a luxury I'm not sure I'll ever get used to.

We were noticed by one group as soon as we walked in and after taking some photos and chatting for a few minutes, they left us to make our way over to a roped off section of the club.

I'm grateful the crowd is nothing like at the cons and we get to just be a group of friends out to celebrate my golden birthday of turning 21 on the 21st.

I head to the bar with Crystal, smiling and linking my arm with hers while I get my I.D. ready to buy my first legal drink– which lasts all of fifteen seconds before I'm completely shot down and dejectedly head back to our booth.

Daniel looks up at us returning and furrows his brows "Where's your drinks?"

Crystal sits down beside him, setting her elbow on the table and covering her mouth with her hand "The bartender uh, he's one of those–"

"He's a cocky prick is what he is" I interrupt and set my hands on my hips, earning everyone to laugh as they look over to me silently seething.

Dylan clears his throat, attempting to stop himself from laughing "Wha– what happened, birthday girl?"

I snap my glare over to him, dropping it a little since I'm not mad at him and breathe out harshly "He said that I not only don't look 21 but he's not even sure if I graduated high school."

Hoech snorts and quickly covers his mouth with his hand, lifting it a second later "If he actually believed that he would have had security escort you out."

"He said I have a pretty decent fake I.D. and I should feel fucking lucky that he's not taking it away!" I shriek, which is luckily drowned out by the music since I'm not trying to sound like a spoiled kid not getting her way– I just wanted a fucking drink.

"When she brought up her boobs I thought he was going to cave" Crystal laughs and the others join in while Dylan chokes on his drink. He looks at my chest quickly before he sharply looks up and connects his eyes with mine "You brought up your– why?"

Finding some humor in that reaction, I smile while I fill in "I said my I.D. was as real as my boobs but that just made him stare at them and that's when I flipped him off and we walked away. I can't believe this, do other people get called a child on their birthday and get denied drinks?"

When no one answers, I look around at my friend's faces and they're all sporting the same trying not to laugh looks. So I return my glare to them all and set my hands on my hips once more "Why are you all laughing?"

Ty chuckles through his reply "We've never seen you this angry before and you're just so..." he trails off indicating towards me with his hands in little circles.

I shake my head quickly at him, lifting my shoulders up as I repeat "I'm so what?"

Since no one else is filling in the blank for me Dylan rubs his hand over his mouth, however, he can't keep the smile from breaking free with his reluctant reply "You're super adorable when you're angry, Adds."

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