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I had flour on every inch of my body. Why? Well, when I offered to help Carlotta, she asked if I knew how to bake and I gave her my honest answer which was a yes so she let me make the deserts for the dinner. I knew how to bake pretty well because I had a lot of alone time in California. Mom was mostly away to work but she taught me how to and I practiced a lot. I always baked and mom enjoyed it too. She would always say I was a woman of many talents but I always laughed it off. Now here I stood, covered in flour from head to toe. I enjoyed baking and much more when I had music blasting through my ears whilst I did. It was peaceful. The dinner had already and I had no idea what was going on in there and I didn't want to know either. Dario and I were in a bit of an awkward funk as to the fact that we hadn't exchanged any words since the car ride and we had just been told that we were to stay away from each other for a while. It was a bit awkward for me, I don't know about him. I heard a ping that alerted me that my cookies were done. I made red velvet cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate frosted cupcakes and a Vanilla cake. I had done a lot I took pride in my work. I had already iced the cake and frosted the chocolate cupcakes so I was just waiting on the cookies to be done. I had 'Despacito' playing through my headphones as I worked. I put on some cotton gloves and opened the oven to reveal freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I set it down on the table next to the bunch of red velvets for it to cool down. Lupita, one of the maidens that helped me when I made the vanilla cake, came and stood beside me, staring at the desserts in awe. I took the headphones off and stared at my work.

"Wow Maria, this looks really good." She said and I smiled shyly.

"You think?" I asked anxiously.

"Mhm. This is surely going to make them beg for seconds." She commented, causing me to laugh.

"Maria there you are." I turned to see Adriana coming into the kitchen. Lupita quickly lowered her head to show respect. "Oh c'mon Lupe, don't be like that. Just because I'm now a princess doesn't mean you should do that every time I walk into the room." Adriana complained and Lupita smiled, shaking her head.

"Oh Princesa." She muttered before she skipped off to finish cleaning the kitchen. Adriana rolled her eyes and looked at the pastries set before her.

"Oh wow, can I-Ow!" She yelped and retracted her hand away just as I had slapped it.

"No touching this until it's out." I told her and she pouted." Aren't you supposed to be at the dinner table right now with your family and the Irish people?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I lied that I had to use the washroom." She said, causing me to chuckle. "Whoa, who made this? It looks amazing." She said and I rolled me eyes before turning to take the apron off. Her eyes shot to me as I took the apron off. She looked me from down up and gasped. "You made these? Oh my brother is so lucky!" She squealed and I quickly rushed to her, covering her mouth with my hand, my eyes popping out of my head. She licked my hand and I retracted it away faster than Usain Bolt could run.

"Ew! Adriana what the fuck? You're supposed to be a princess not a twelve year old boy." I told her and she laughed.

"When have I ever acted like a princess?" She asked rhetorically and I considered it.

"Fair point. Now you have to go before-"

"Adriana why are you-" Dario's words came to a halt as his eyes connected with mine. I stared a little longer before turning away, undoing the thread that tied the apron to me. "M-mother and father are looking for you." I heard him tell his sister. I don't know what happened next but then he was suddenly behind me. I felt his presence, I smelt his cologne and it drove me mad to not be able to touch him or hug him. I gulped and tried to walk away but he acted quickly and grabbed my elbow, swiftly turning me to face him. I struggled to get out of his grip but not that much because I was honestly enjoying this deep down.

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