27. A Blast from the Past

Start from the beginning

"No," She tried to protest when his hand reached for the fabric of her dress and started to pull down the zip that exposed her back. "Damien, don't–" she started but he had already pulled down the zip of her dress until her bruises showed.

Damien couldn't understand a thing. He didn't know why there were scars so deep and bad on her body. They looked almost imprinted on her skin. It angered him to peaks and he wanted to know how she got them.

Danny quickly tried to get away from his grip, "Danica," She halted when Damien's stern voice stopped her. His hand tightened around her arm.

"What the hell are these?" He demanded in a dangerously low voice and Danny gulped. She totally did not expect he would find out about her scars. She mentally cursed herself for not locking the door.

"Danica, I'm asking you a question." Damien turned to face her and she moved away from him this time.

"Wh- what are you talking about?" She spoke nervously as she fidgeted with her fingers.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He walked towards her slowly and Danny's breath hitched when she felt him near her, "What are these?" He uttered in a cold voice once he was behind her again and looked at them more clearly.

"Oh, those patches? They are tattoos." She let out as if it wasn't a big deal and faked out a small nervous laugh and turned to face him.

"Don't bullshit me, Danica," Damien growled, irritated at her lie. "Do I look like a fool to you?" He warned, "Who did this to you?" He reached his hand forward and traced on one of the scars and Danny shivered.

The scars didn't hurt anymore for Danny. They used to. But over time, as new scars replaced the old ones, they started to hurt less and less each time. It was like she had become tolerant to the pain they had caused. Damien's touch ignited something in her. His touch made her feel alive and the way he traced the scars made her feel something which scared Danny. A small tear escaped her eyes as he examined her back further.

"Danica," He whispered and she closed her eyes at his closeness as she held her breath.

"They're nothing, Damien," she countered, "I don't want to talk about it. Just leave." She looked back at him, her forest-green eyes held so much power as they instructed him not to push any further. His jaw tightened as he stared back at her.

She grabbed his hand and walked him to the door and closed it behind him but locked it this time. She leaned back on the door and sighed in relief as she fell to the ground. She couldn't just show him that she was weak. She knew he would read her emotions if he had seen her face. She was like an open book.

As Damien sat on his bed, he couldn't get her picture out of his head. He never realised or even thought that Danny would've been through something traumatic. He was always so busy accusing her and making assumptions about her that it never occurred to him to know more about her.

He didn't know from where all the anger was coming from, but the thought that someone did this to her made his blood boil and he wanted to shoot them to pieces.

"Fuck!" He slammed his fist into the pillow in frustration. All night, he paced around in his room with a fuzzy mind as sleep was something that wouldn't come to him now.

* * * * * *

It was quite early in the morning, Danny stared at the ceiling above as she lay on her bed. She couldn't sleep the whole night. How could she, when Damien had seen her raw and vulnerable side that she tried to hide till now? She didn't want him to change his behaviour towards her. She didn't want pity or concern or anything from him. It's the last thing she wanted from him.

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