Chapter 42

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"You're very good...". Luhan praised Jae watching him draw a picture of a puppy.

Jaden rolled his eyes. As he continued on with breakfast. Jae woke up an hour ago after his breakdown and Luhan's explanation which felt a little far fetched for him. He sighed as he plated the fruit and cereal since Jae loved his chocolate cocopops.

He pulled out the milk jug and filled the bowl up, before dusting his hands off and making his way to the living room where Jae was crouched at the coffee table drawing. He ruffled his baby's hair. "Breakfast baby".

Jae nod his head putting the crayon down and lifted his arms up for Jaden to pick him up.

Jaden smiled, looking over at Luhan who was going over the picture Jae just drew, before he carried Jae into the kitchen.

"So what do you want to do today?". Jaden asked watching Jae make a mess with the chocolatey milk dripping from the corner of his lips. "Gemma dada. She said I can play with Libby today".

Jaden bit his lip. "Well Gemma and her daddy Aiden has a few things to do buddy. But that doesn't mean you can't have fun. How about we get ice cream, go to the park. Visit granny and granpa and if you're really good then maybe you can get a new toy".

Jae gasped, "The Mr. Robot?".

"Hmn? I don't know, it depends if you're going to be a good boy". Jaden teased.

"I always good dada~...". He whined.

Jaden chuckled kissing Jae's cheek before he scarfed down his own breakfast.

"Hey, is it okay if I join you?". Luhan awkwardly made his appearance. He ruffled Jae's hair before looking at Jaden who was giving him the stink eye.

Jaden got up, grabbed Luhan's arm and dragged him outside through the backyards sliding door.

"Okay, let me make myself clear here. Sundays it's me and Jae time. Not you and interrupting our daily normal lives time. And we're not big happy family either, so cut the bull".

"Why are you still giving me the cold shoulder? I thought you-"

"You thought what? That because you told me your reason I'd suddenly be okay with everything? Thing's are different now. I'm different and you don't have any power over my emotions anymore. I'm not as stupid as I was to keep going back to you because of it".

"I've never wanted to control you. I never did. But Jae is my son too. He's our son! A part of me. A part of you. Ever since my dad left my mother, I promised myself i would never be like him and abandon my son. And all I want is for him to have both his parents with him. To know that he's loved".

Jaden glowered up at Luhan. "You-", he took a deep breath calming himself dowm breath, before speaking again, "You can't come with. This is me trying to get used to the fact that you're back in our lives permanently, and I'm thrilled for Jae, but for me personally? I need time to feel any kind of way and I honestly don't want to feel anything for you at all".

Luhan frowned, "So even after telling you the truth, you still don't believe me. Nothing I say will be good enough for you. I thought we were making progress here-"

"It's your version of the truth, not mine".

"You're crucifying me because you don't believe me. You don't believe my truth?! I can take a polygraph test if you want me to, to see I'm not lying".

"Well Luhan, I don't know anymore, it wouldn't be the first time that you've lied to my face". Jaden said calmly before he walked back inside the house.

Luhan was frustrated to the point, he kicked over a pot plant, or 3 down the small pathway back to the house.


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