Chapter 9

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The past couple of days it seemed like things were getting back on track with Luhan and Jaden.

They started talking more. Occasionally they would get freaky. Like the other day, Luhan was all about pleasing Jaden and ate his ass out till he came.

Things were good. Great even. Easy going and that was what Jaden wanted.

He was busy making supper since everyone was out for practice. He didn't mind the quietness. It's been a blessing being away from everyone cause it can get crowded.

He was busy chopping onions. When he heard the front door open. No one knocked.

He stilled with the knife in his hand and turned around to see Sehun with his luggage. Jaden felt frozen. And Sehun. Well Sehun even more so since the other had a knife in his hands.

"What are you doing here?". Jaden asked gripping the knife in his hand. Knuckles turning white at the grip.

"I'm moving back into the dorm. My probation period of being in another dorm apartment is over". He replied grabbing his luggage.

Jaden looked at the time praying that the rest of the members came home.

He wasn't afraid of Sehun. He was afraid of what he'd do with the knife in his hands to Sehun.

"Just get out of my sight okay. I really want to get done with supper". Jaden said going back to chopping the onions and placing them in the hot oiled pan.

Sehun rolled his eyes and went to his shared room with Kai.


"Aaaaawhhh.... It smells great in here". Kyungsoo said walking straight to the kitchen.

Luhan and the rest followed. Luhan gave Jaden a kiss on his temple.

His phone rang. He just got a message from the manager. "Sehun is back". Everyone went quiet.

Jaden ignored them. He really didn't want to focus on anything Sehun related. He just wanted world freakin' peace. He didn't really ask for much.

Luhan looked at Jaden who was sulking. "Did anything happen when he came in. You look a bit off". Luhan said standing at the back off Jaden rubbing his arms up and down.

Jaden sighed into his touch. "Beside me being scared shitless at someone not knocking on the door. No".

Everyone starred at the couple. Aww'ing at their interaction with eachother. Until Sehun came out of the hall. He watched everyone looking at Luhan and his other half. He rolled his eyes. Before plopping down on a bean bag.

Jaden stiffened under Luhan's touch when he saw Sehun. Luhan sighed giving him a squeeze for some reassurance.


After everyone had dinner. Jaden needed some fresh air and walked to the balcony. Where he by some bad luck bumped into Sehun smoking.

He frowned. "Aren't all K-pop idols supposed to keep their bodies clean from that shit?".

Sehun rolled his eyes. And continued smoking blowing the smoke towards Jaden. Jaden coughed making Sehun smirk.

"If immature was a person. That'd be you". Jaden said waving the smoke away from his face.

Sehun glared at Jaden. Watching him from this angle. Trying to see what it is that Luhan fucking sees. I mean. He himself isn't bad looking.

Jaden looked away from Sehun breathing the non affected air. Looking out into the city. The bright lights were a sight to see and the buildings. They were his favorite part.

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