Chapter 21

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"Well, you're having a baby boy. He's a good weight, but you can do a bit better with that. You need to eat 3 times a day, but nibble during the day. Healthy foods mainly so that you can receive nutrients".

Jay looked over at Luhan who was super excited when he heard the gender, and it made him smile at the beaming smile that came from the older. "We're going to have a boy". Luhan said looking down at the pictures from the ultrasound.

"Told you, I'm always right aren't I?". Jaden said wiping away the gel, pulling down his sweater. Luhan got up and hugged him, slightly squeezing the life of of him. So he just melted into the hug.

"Your prescription". The obgyne said giving Jaden the paper.

"Thank you. Enjoy the day further doc".

Luhan turned at the door and gave him a shake of the hand before following Jaden out of the clinic. He put his mask on, and his shades before grabbing Jay's hands walking out into the busy street.

Everything felt so light. Luhan couldn't explain the feeling. The thought of Jay and the baby, in his head made his heart flutter. He looked at the talking Jay, who seemed to be a bit more at ease when he was smiling.

"Lu? Are you listening? -".  Luhan nod his head as he pulled the mask up from his chin to reveal his lips. He grabbed both Jaden's cheeks, cupping then in his hands. "What are you doing?". Jay asked giggling, looking around before his eyes went wide.

He melted into the kiss. Wrapping his arms tightly around Luhans lower half. Luhan pulled away looking at Jadens smile as he did so. "Pregnancy really looks good on you".

Jaden blushed cheeks turning pink as people were walking past them, and some glancing their way. "You're embarrassing me". He said looking at the staring figures.

"Fuck them, come on let's go to the mall today. I think I actually want to walk into a baby shop and buy the most expensive thing for this kid". Luhan said dragging Jaden around. Getting a cab.


They were in the shop leaving Jaden stunned as Luhan was completely making a fool out of himself.

Some of the women in the shop were amused, and there were times when he laughed himself.

"That is really cute, and expensive". He said looking at the pair of baby tims.

Luhan's face lit up." You want them? I can't believe they make these so tiny". He said grabbing it from the shelf, and placing it into the basket.

So far they had baby toys filling the basket. And 3 pairs of cute baby onesies.

Jaden stared at the newborn baby crawler. It was white with gold stars on them making him coo at it. He lifted the item from the rail wire and turned it to Luhan. "I can see this happening". He said pointing to the crawler. Luhan laughed and gave him a kiss in the temple through his mask, causing Jaden to roll his eyes and play punch him. Putting the crawler into the basket.

"Are we done?" he asked Luhan. But Luhan shook his head no. Jaden followed Luhan to the back of the shop where there was play pens and strollers and cots that made his heart melt.

"No, Lu it's too early for that. Come on, let's ring this up and have some yummy donuts. Please". Jaden said dragging Luhan's ass before he grabbed a baby harness. Making Jaden sulk.

"Hey, it will make things so much easier when you cook, we can go now okay". Luhan said as they stood in the line holding eachothers hands.

"You should be ashamed of yourself. You are having a whore baby with your bed whore? You're married too".

Jaden jumped at the lady who was pointing fingers at him. He held his stomach to protect himself. Making Luhan turn around in the line.

"Lady back off. I am his husband. My work requires me to go without my ring. And stop being such a judgemental bitch okay. Jealousy is a real disease, hope you get well soon". Luhan said pulling Jay closer to his side.

Jaden tried to hide his smirk when the lady got embarrassed by Luhan who sweetly stuck up for him.


"Luhan's back!". Kyungsoo shouted from the kitchen.

Jaden raised his brows in confusion, as Luhan set the bags down on the counter. "What's going on?".

"Oh nothing. The guys just wanted to know how things went. Lots and lots of questions. More importantly, is it a girl or a boy?".

Everyone came out to the kitchen.

Jaden laughed softly. They seemed more excited than the actual pregnant couple. "You guys are too much".

Luhan took off his mask and glasses. Looking at everyone seriously as they grew quiet. "It's a boy!!!". He said taking out a blue onesie.

They cheered. Sulking Baek gave money to Chanyeol with an eye roll.

"Okay guy's, let's all calm down okay. The excitement is giving me a headache". He said giggling as Chanyeol spun him around.

"Careful Yeol!". Luhan said stopping the clumsy goofball. "Precious cargo on board"

Jaden shook his head taking the bowl of potatoe chips Kyungsoo put out for him, and headed to the couch.

Everyone seemed to want to hover all around him. Asking questions which confused the hell outtah Jay. With Luhan coming to the rescue.

They put on a movie, popped some popcorn and spent the rest of the day bonding.


Jaden fell asleep resting his head on Luhan's head with a pillow.

"Hey, get up. Let me take you home".

Jaden yawned into the pillow then looked up at Lu. "Stay with me tonight?". He asked being hopeful.

"Sure, we have the next 3 days to rest up. Come on". He helped Jaden get up from couch.

They got into Jaden's apartment. It looked more homey than the last time Luhan was here.

Luhan walked around as Jaden got changed into his sleepwear. The extra bedroom door was wide open. With plastic on the wooden floor.

It seemed that Jaden was busy choosing a color for the baby room. He smiled at the chosen pastel sky blue that adorned the ceiling. With white clouds.

"I still haven't decided on the color. Do you want to help me choose?". He said switching on the light brightening up the room. "I was thinking maybe a mural? Of trees and forest animal's but then that would be a bit of a cliché". Jaden said pointing to the wall with the color pallet in his hands.

Luhan took a look at it. "How about, we paint the room blue and then, use a light cream brown to paint like the tree branches and forest animals all in that color, and give then a darker under tone to make it stand out. It won't be too much of a cliché".

Jaden looked up at Luhan. Giving him a side glance as he was standing over his shoulder pointing to the shade of blue." I can actually picture that". He said with a smile then looked back at the palette.

Jaden walked out of the room and switched off the light once Luhan was out. He held his head in his hands.

"What's up ?".

"Paint fumes. A little dizzy but it'll pass".

"I'll get some of the guys to help me finish it off for you then. Let's not take any more chances". Luhan said walking into the kitchen opening the fridge. It was definitely stocked up with healthy foods alright. Until he spotted some moose.

Jaden looked at Luhan with a frown. When he came back out from the bathroom. He was really craving that last bit of moose Luhan was eating.

He watched the older sit lazily, relaxing his sock clad feet on the glass table switching through the channels making Jaden sulk. But then he looked at Luhans jaw line and felt horny all of a sudden.

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