Part 69?

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she's dead end of book 😝



Eliza: *softly moans* To-Tommy you know I have to go home

Eliza said as Tommy threw kisses down her neck

Tommy: I know baby I just don't want you to

Eliza: well my dad would absolutely kill me if he knew I was with you

Eliza: I love you Tommy

Tommy: Love you too Liza we'll figure this out soon

Eliza: byeee

Eliza runs all the way home acting like she was taking a walk. She was tired as hell

Mattia: hey baby how was the walk

Eliza: good dad imma shower cause I'm gross

Mattia: okay love you

Eliza: love you more

Mattia: unpossible.

Oh. Let me catch you up to speed

2 years ago

Tommy: Eliza I've liked you for the longest time and I know we would have to keep this a secret but will you my girlfriend

Eliza jumps up

Eliza: YESSS

Tommy spins her around and kissed her cheek

Back to reality


Yes I know I'm not supposed to date someone until I'm 20 something but I really love him I'm planning on telling my dad today... even if everything falls to hell atleast he'll know

Eliza got out from her shower and changed into comfy close. She went downstairs to see everyone at the table she sat down

Mattia: nice of you to finally join us

Kairi: you take forever in the shower

Eliza was planning what she was going to say

Eliza: dad... uncles I have something to confess

Alvaro: spill

Eliza: I-I like someone

Everyone's face fell and Mattia had the devil eyes

Mattia: you like someone?

Eliza: I'm sorry I don't like someone... I'm dating someone

Roshuan: DA HELL

Mattia snatched her arm and made her stand up he walked upstairs with her everyone following

Eliza: dad stop

He didnt once he got to the room he yelled and all her uncles watched in understandment


Eliza: DAD IM 16 TURNING 17


Mattia: WHO IS IT

Eliza: dad promise


Eliza: don't hurt him or his family

Mattia didn't say anything

Eliza: I'm not telling you his name

Mattia snatched her phone and threw her tv on the ground making it break

He walked out of the room pissed as hell and the boys followed him.

Eliza sat in her room shocked. Her room was a mess she climbed out her window and sat on the roof looking at the stars

Eliza: mom I really love Tommy he's perfect

She smiled and stayed on her part of the room before climbing down. She closed her door and tried her best to move her broken tv. She pushed it to the side of the room. She sat in her bed and cried

She loved Tommy and would do anything to protect him like he protects her

(I'm busy... anyways check out the new kairi book)

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