Part 59?

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I was counting mins on the clock when a bunch of nurses came in and yelled


I let out a huge smile and turned to my dad who had tears in his eyes. He gave me a Ginormous hug.

Everyone cheered and that moment was one of the best in my life. Once everyone left the room

Eliza: thank you guys I wouldn't have been able to do this without y'all

Everyone gathered around my bed and gave me a hug. I was still tired and the nurses wanted to keep me in for 24 more hours

Eliza: y'all can go home and pick me up tomorrow

Mattia: are you sure

Eliza: yes go bye love you

They all left and I was alone I called Payton

Payton: what's the news?

Eliza: your hearing from your non cancer bestie

Payton: YESSSS FR OMG I'm so proud of you

Eliza: thank you

Payton: I can't wait to see you and give you a giant hug

Eliza and Payton talk till 10:00pm until they hung up she heard a knock on her door.

Eliza: hello

Tommy came in with candy

Tommy: hi

Eliza: Tommy? What are you doing here

Tommy: I'm sorry I anxious and didn't know if you still had cancer so I brought you candy

Eliza: sit right here

He sat next to me on my bed

Eliza: I am cancer free

A wide smile shows across his face and he put a hand on my cheek and we were both leaning in when we heard a knock on my door we both pulled back.

Mrs.Wilson: hi Eliza oooo this is the famous Tommy we wer-

Eliza: shhhhh mrs.Wilson Tommy she's lying

Tommy: okay whatever you say

Mrs.Wilson: I'm gonna miss you Eliza

Eliza: hey this is a good thing I'll visit you

Mrs.Wilson: you better don't forget to say bye

Eliza: I would never

She left the room and Tommy put his hand on my cheek

Tommy: it's adorable that you talk to me

Eliza: I do not

Tommy: okay whatever you say

We stay talking until he gets a call from his mom and he goes home.

I fall asleep after a while.


Eliza got up and packed her stuff. She sat down she heard it takes a couple day to feel better.

Mattia came in the room

Mattia: ready to go home babe

Eliza: yes

The nurse came into the room.

Mrs.Wilson: bye mrs.eliza I'm gonna miss you and advice don't be on your ger this week lay low. The chemo takes a while to feel better and if your dizzy sit down because you'll most likely collapse

Eliza: okay

She got up and carried her bags out. Mattia took her bags from her

Mattia: you heard her take it easy. No running, no carrying stuff you my daughter are on bed rest.

Eliza: dad

She rolled her eyes and walked out the building. Mattia places the bags in his car and she got in the car.

Mattia: say bye to this hell place

Eliza: bye hospital

They got home and all the boys greeted her. She was about to head up to her room when Mattia stopped her and put her on his back

Eliza: dad

Mattia: I said bed rest

Mattia took her to the room and gently put her on her bed

Eliza: home sweet home

Mattia: goodnight my love

Eliza: goodnight dad

Eliza instantly fell asleep after saying those words. Mattia every 30 mins would check up on her making sure she's breathing. Until he fell asleep

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