Part 63?

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Everyone looked at each other and answered the phone

Eliza: hey dad wassup how are you doing

She said shaking there was a 50/100 chance that he knew.

Mattia: hey how the HOUSE

Eliza: good

Mattia: oh well that's kinda u know funny because I saw a story with my daughters head on Tommy's lap

Eliza had nothing to say.

Eliza: dad i-

Mattia: get your motherfucking ass home and your grounded. No school your doing homeschool and we will talk when I get home

He hung up and tears fell on her cheeks. Everyone there had tears or a sad look on there face.


Tommy went to Eliza and gave her a hug she was now in full tears.

Eliza: he said he's -homesch-ooling me now

She managed to say through her tears.

Tommy: what are we going to do

Tommy said setting me and him down on the couch

Brian: okay so here me out

Tamen: we are not running away

Ally: Brian use your brain

Joseph: maybe he's on to something

Tommy: let me remind you we are 14

Sabrina: I'm in

Joseph: same we can stay in his secret little tree house thing and we can go to school without being caught

Tommy: I'm in its pretty smart

Ally: I'm in

Tamen: I'm in

Bella: I'm in

Kennedy: I'm in

Eliza: I literally just ran away. I can't do that to my dad

Brian: have a fun time getting caught let's go guys we leaving

Eliza: wait I don't wanna get caught either I'll come

Brian: no phones guys

Eliza: okay let's go

They stopped by everyone's house and got there clothes and personal stuff. They got to the 2 story tree house thing

Ally: damn

Sabrina: Brian why didn't you tell me you had this

Brian: it was a secret for a reason

Eliza: guys I'm exhausted I'm going to sleep

Sabrina: of course little princess is exhausted


Sabrina: oh so you can go missing for 4 weeks again cause you were embarrassed go cry to your dad

Tommy went over to Eliza and played with her hair he whispered in her ear.

Tommy: hey it's okay go to sleep I gotcha they don't know what happened I understand if you still get kinda tired

Eliza: I'm sorry

Tommy: no it's okay

He kissed her cheek and played with her hair. Eliza fell asleep in his lap

(I'm having a pretty shitty day tbh. If you copy me or get an idea from my book and write about it please tag me. I work hard at night and morning thinking and planning to find out people are just using my work gets me pissed.)

Goodnight or morning❤️

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