Part 38?

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I woke up from my uncles yelling


Eliza: okay

I covered the bruises and hoped that my dad would approve

I covered the bruises and hoped that my dad would approve

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I went downstairs to see all my family

Mattia: hell naw turn around go upstairs and changed. Who even bought you that

Eliza: really dad no

Mattia: no? Do you want me to pick your outfit out

Eliza turned around and stomped upstairs.

Eliza: wonderful way to start off the morning🙄

I changed out of that outfit and chose another one

I changed out of that outfit and chose another one

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I stomped back downstairs with a grumpy face.

Mattia: better now fix that frown

I faked smiled and he laughed and gave me hug

Mattia: I just don't want people looking at my daughter like that

Eliza: I know I know I love you but who's driving me too school

Mattia: I wi-

Roshuan: no Mattia you'll freak out once you see all the boys there

Mattia: see Eliza why can't I just send you to an all girls school

Eliza: how about no

Eliza: let's go uncle Roshuan

Mattia: your not gonna eat

Eliza: not hungry bye dad love you

Mattia rolled his eyes but stopped when Eliza stood in her tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

Eliza: stop rolling your eyes bye

Roshuan: let's go 4'9

Eliza: hey that's not funny. Dad why am I short

Mattia: no idea maybe because your 13

He russled my hair which messed it up


I fixed my hair and walked outside with Roshuan.

When we get in the car we started to talk

Roshuan: how's Payton

Roshuan is the only person I told about Payton. Roshuan is my supportive uncle and he wants me to be happy

Eliza: good still my only bestfriend

Roshuan: you'll make more remember your only 13

Eliza: Ik love you bye

Roshuan: bye little one

Eliza: not little

Eliza left the car and walk down the hall to her locker right when she opened it she got kicked in the stomach. Eliza gasped in pain.

Gabe: mrs. Polibio can't take a little hit

Eliza couldn't talk from the pain she was in. He kicked her in the eye and lifted her up.

Gabe: no wonder your mom died i hope you do to

This comment made Eliza hurt worse than anything ever. They walked off and Eliza walked to the girls bathroom.

She looked in the mirror and saw a black mark forming over her eye. She started bawling her eyes out. She felt a panic attack coming on so she called her only friend.

Payton: sup Eliza where are you? I don't see you in class

Eliza: pay*gasps* bathroom

Payton: shit... shit I'm on my way right now don't worry just breathe

Payton: miss I need to go to the bathroom

Teacher: okay go

Payton rushes out the door and went into the girls bathroom. To see Eliza gasping crying sitting in the closed toilet.

Payton: come here

Payton picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him

Payton then sat back on the toilet while rubbing her back. She stopped crying and hugged Payton.

Payton had a concerned look on his face when he saw her eye.

Payton: did Gabe do that to you...

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