Part 50?

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I walked into school and all eyes were on me. I thought wth and didn't think anything of it. I walked by Elizas locker to see if she was there and saw letters and bears around it.

Payton: wth is going on

Emma: no one told you

Payton: told me what?

Emma : Eliza Polibio is dead

Payton: that shits not funny but what happened

Jacob sees Payton confused and went up to him.

Jacob: I'm sorry that happened she's not dead... well I don't think she's dead


Emma showed Payton the video everyone was watching his reaction.

Payton: tha-that can't be real WHERE IS ELIZA I JUST SAW HER YESTERDAY

Jacob: listen

He put a hand on Payton shoulder which Payton threw off. Payton went outside and ran to the restaurant to go see his mom.

He get to the door to see everyone setting up

Payton mom: P/m

P/m: what are you doing here Payton

He ran into his moms arms and starting sobbing. His mom looked at the other employees in confusion.

Mrs.Dobins: Payton... was that true

Payton shook his head yes

Mrs. Dobins: oh no

Grandpa: what happened

Mrs. Dobins: sir something happened with Elizabeth you should call Mattia

Grandpa: Payton what happened is Eliza okay?

Payton shook his head no

Grandpa: I'll be outside

P/m: go to the office I'll be there in a second baby I gotta talk to the adults

Payton headed into the office. He thought that this is a bad dream there's no way in hell that this happened.


I ran inside the hospital when I saw them roll in Eliza. I ran up to her and saw her look so pale and unhealthy

Mattia: Eliza? Wake up sweetie

Paramedic: sir please go sit down


Paramedic: once she gets out of this condition we'll do a MRI but if we do it right now she could die and there's no way of getting her out

The doctors rolled her to a room. They put a breathing mask on her and put a stitched up her head.


I slowly opened my eyes to see I'm in a hospital with doctors in it.

Eliza: wha-what happened

Doctor: finally your awake had us scared

Eliza: wheres my dad I want my dad

Nurse: he's in the waiting room I'll get him

Mattias eyes were red he and the boys have been crying

Mattia came in and ran to Eliza

Eliza: dad I don't feel good

Mattia: I know baby it's gonna be okay we'll gonna figure out what's wrong with you

He held her hand

Eliza: dad I'm sorry

She said struggling to speak through the tubes in her nose.

Mattia: it's alright we both made mistakes

Eliza eyes slowly fell when a nurse came in

Nurse: mr. Polibio can we speak to you outside

Mattia: be right back liza

Mattia and the nurse goes outside

Nurse: I know your aware that your wife battled cancer

Mattia: yes ma'am

Nurse: and I'm sorry to tell you this but that can be generic and the MRI scan will prove if she has cancer. But if she's does don't worry it was probably caught early cause of her young age and can be easily resolved by chemo.

There's that word for Mattia... cancer. The word that made his life hell and it might happen again.


Mattia: don't leave me

Ayiana put her hand on Mattias cheek

Ayiana: I'm gonna die anyways there's nothing that anyone can do. Just please take care of Elizabeth and yourself. Protect her like I know you will

Mattia: i will I just don't want you to leave us

Ayiana: I know baby I don't wanna leave y'all either


Mattia: I love you

Ayiana: I-I Lov- love you too

Those were the last words Ayiana Polibio ever spoke. Ever since Mattia has sworn to protect there daughter ever since no matter what


Mattia: a-are you sure it couldn't be anything else

Nurse: that's the only diagnosis that we can think of after the MRI we'll know

Mattia: o-okay

Mattia wiped his tears before putting on a smile for his daughter and walking in the room. The smile was fake but that didn't matter

Mattia: hey baby

Mattia held Elizas hand.

Eliza: hey dad I'm feeling better I'm not dizzy or feel weak anymore. My head just hurts from the fall but I'm ready to go home

Mattia: about that... there gonna run a few tests on you okay

Eliza: okay?

(Y'all this story isn't gonna get depressing I swear😏.)

( I'm gonna binge watch euphoria I'm probably gonna upload around 3 or 2)


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