Part 7?

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Eliza stumbled to Roshuan room. She tripped and crawled the rest cause it was easier.

Roshuan: hey Liza, what did we say no more crawling

Eliza stood up and scrunched her hands up to Roshuan telling him to pick her up.
Roshuan picks her up

Roshuan: have you ate today

Eliza didn't she didn't like eating so she lied.

Eliza: wes unfle ro

Roshuan: good

He takes her downstairs with all the boys and sets her down on the carpet. She noticed her dad wasn't there. Eliza was bored and saw Roshuan 'twerking ' she decided to try it.

Kairi: omg

Alejandro: what?

Kairi: look at Eliza

Alejandro notices and picks her up quickly.

Alejandro: no don't do that okay

Roshuan: so when y'all plan my funeral can you put lil uzi on

Alvaro: for sure

Kairi: I made her say a cuss word but this... this will actually piss Mattia off

Alejandro let's go of Eliza and puts her on the couch. Eliza watched paw patrol while singing the theme song

Eliza: no pow to big to pow to wall pow trol is on a woo

Alvaro just broke down laughing.

Alvaro: what.... the ..... hell was that

Kairi: I thought we taught her english

Alejandro: hey don't make fun of her she's trying

Eliza slid off the couch and stumbled to Mattias office. Eliza clumps onto his leg.

Eliza: ciao dada

Mattia: ciao principessa

Mattia: I guess your learning so Italian

Eliza: ifalin

Mattia: yes princess

Mattia picks her up and takes her to the living room once again. The boys had music on and was live. Eliza saw Roshuan twearking again so she tried.



User: wth are y'all teaching that child

User: Teaching her young I see

Mattia reads the comments confused and turned around to see Elizas twearking

Mattia: okay it's the end of the live bye.

He ends the live.


Everyone comes in the kitchen. Mattia picks up Eliza.

Mattia: what the fuc-

Eliza covers his mouth

Eliza: no dad mownsters

Mattia: what? oh

Mattia: go upstairs little one

She walks upstairs. She sits on her bed and hears her uncles yelling. She was scared she wanted her Dada. She got out her bed cause she couldn't sleep, and stumbled to Kairis room. She tried to get on the bed and failed, so she just fell on the floor and fell asleep.


Mattia was yelling at us telling how we were unresponsive and blah blah blah. After we finished we all walked to her room. She wasn't there so we checked all room until we found her asleep in mine.

Kairi: what did I say, I'm her favorite

Mattia: funny

Kairi picks Liza up and puts her on his bed.

Kairi: night guys

Mattia: night 🙄

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