"Arroz con pollo", I tell him.


"Literal translation, rice with chicken. My dad taught me to make it back in Spain one time".

"Cool", he nods. "I'm going to go watch TV", he leaves the room.

Not too long after, Romeo comes back. "I thought Will wasn't working today", I hear him mumble as he hangs his suit jacket up. He then walks into the kitchen, stopping in his tracks when he sees me cooking, raising an eyebrow at me. "What are you doing?" He walks over to stand beside me.

"I'm cooking, what does it look like?" I ask, rhetorically; he puts his hands up in defence, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"It smells good", he mutters.


"I'm gonna go take a shower", he kisses my cheek before scurrying out of the room.

"Ow!" I squeal as I burn my hand on the pan. Immediately, I turn on the cold tap, holding my hand underneath it for a while.

"You alright?" Parker walks into the room

"Yep, I'm fine I just burnt my hand", I turn the tap off.

"I think your burning the food now", he looks into the pan.

"Shit", I grab the spoon, mixing it around. "Nope, it's fine, we're good", I say. "Can you grab me three bowls, please", he nods, grabbing three bowls and placing them on the island. "Thanks", I begin pouring food into each bowl, then grabbing cutlery and glasses. "Do you want the day off school tomorrow?"

"No, it's cool. It's Friday anyway, it's just one day", he shrugs

"Okay", I pause. "And if you can't sleep tonight, make sure you tell me, alright?" He nods. "Cool. Help me take these to the table please", I gesture to the three bowls and glasses on the island.

As we finish putting everything on the dining table, Romeo comes down the stairs in a jersey and black sweatpants. "Thank you, this looks so good", he says, taking his seat at the head of the table. "You need to teach me how to make this", he says after one bite.

"Sure", I chuckle.


"Night", I say to Parker as I leave his room. We layed in his bed for a while, talking about random things to get his mind off of everything and to help him fall asleep.

As I'm walking across the hall to the stairs, I pass Romeo's room, seeing his light on, so of course, I walk in. He's laying on his back with his arm over his eyes. "Hey", he says.

"How did you know I came in?" I ask, confused, sitting opposite him on his bed.

He shrugs, "I'm psychic", he says, seriously.

"Yeah, sure", I chuckle. "Wanna watch a movie with me?"

"I'd prefer if you layed here with me", he takes his arm off his face.

"You're so boring", I tease, getting up to turn the lights off, turning the bedside lamp on in the process so it's not completely dark. "How was your day?" I crawl over, laying beside him on my stomach.

"Not so good, but it got better when I came home to you cooking", he smiles lazily at me. "How was yours?"

"It was good. Max called me saying that Meg called him about Parker, so I went to pick him up early. We talked about it though and it's all good now, I hope", I smile. "And don't go off on one because I went out, I was fine", I add.

"Okay", he drawls. "I've been a bit overprotective haven't I?" I nod.

"Little bit", I hold my thumb and index finger a little away from each other.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to get sick or hurt", he mumbles.

"No, I get it. Like, today, Parker told me I was acting like you because I just wanted to make sure he was okay, but I guess I came off a bit strong", I chuckle, slightly.

We drift into a comfortable silence, so I turn over to lay on my back. I feel something touch my hand which I guess is Romeo's hand; he entwines our fingers, still not saying a word.

"Come with me", he says a small while later, pulling me up from the bed, still holding onto my hand. He takes me to the balcony, looking into a telescope before pulling me to where he was standing, motioning for me to look into it. "If you look closely, you can see Saturn; you can usually see Venus without the telescope. Or if you turn it here", he moves the telescope slightly. "You can see Mars. If you look carefully, every ten to fifteen minutes there's a 20% chance of seeing a shooting star, which is very lucky so, of course, you'd make a wish".

I know exactly what I'd wish for.

"The sky is so pretty", I look away from the telescope and up to the sky, moving over to the edge of the balcony.

"Mhm", I hear as I feel two arms snake around my waist and a soft kiss on my neck.

Do it.

Steadily, I turn in his arms, looking into his gunmetal blue eyes, grey almost. My eyes flicker down to his lips as I wrap my arms around his neck, slowly leaning in to place my lips on his. He doesn't respond, so I pull away quickly, feeling embarrassed. As I'm about to pull my arms away, he pushes them back, reattaching my lips to his. I feel his tongue against my bottom lip so I let it in, pulling his body closer to mine.

My hands find his hair, causing him to groan into my mouth. Eventually, we have pull away for air, using it as an opportunity to stare into each other's eyes. "Go get changed", he leans his head on my shoulder. "I want you to sleep next to me", I attempt to go to my room to change, but Romeo still has his arms around me.

"Let go then", I chuckle as I feel him shake his head on my shoulder. I lift his head off of my shoulder, placing a soft kiss on his lips as I slip out of his room and into my own, changing into my pyjamas.


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

AH. I've never written a kiss scene before. tell me how I did hehe :)
(I'm sorry if it's crap)

anyway, longest chapter so far, over 2,200 words. wow

okay bye :P

updated authors note:
hehe i remember writing this :)

Fake love ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن