I wanted to slap him then, whack him so hard across his ready cheek so that he couldn't utter another word but I refrained. You could never tell with my brothers. I quickly glanced at Tyrese, willing him not to say anything as he had after all caught me making out with the said bitch and thank God, Tyrese only stared back. I looked back at Lucca who was intensely watching my reaction and sighed.

"You've b..been warned."

"I've been warned." He mimicked my tone with stupid funny faces and pushed me out of the room. "I'll call your bluff."
Then he slammed the door shut in my face.

:. +. +. +.:

The following morning I was the first to wake up. I wanted to keep good on my word to Glenda about helping out  and I was going to be discreet about it. After finishing all my preparations, I grabbed a can of fresh grey paint and paintbrush from our basement and left the house. Now the conflict was on how to get to school. I couldn't run, it was too far, I couldn't wait for the bus, I was highly unsocial and tended to avoid intermingling with other students, I couldn't call an uber, it would take forever to get here.
Sighing in defeat, I started to head back to the house when I spotted Drew's car on the driveway and an idea popped on my mind.
I knew how to drive, Drew was not hostile and I definitely knew where he kept his keys. I noiselessly creeped back into the house and into the twins' room which was slightly ajar meaning one of them was awake. I peeked in to find Drew still asleep  under his covers and Dane humming a tune in the shower. It was now or never.
Drew always kept his car keys in the bottom drawer of his left bedside stand and I smiled to myself as I grabbed them and sneaked back out of the house.

The car was going to attract some unneeded attention toward me, of that I was sure. It was a Porsche Taycan Convertible after all. Nevertheless, it would have to do as I had very limited choices then. It was either this or Dane's Ford Mustang, and lord knew Dane would literally murder me if I so much as looked at his car without his permission, let alone steal it.
I drove to school at a low speed and sent Drew a quick text incase he woke up and thought his car had been stolen.

Took your car to school. Sorry. Urgently needed it.

Once inside the school gates, I parked the car on the popular student spots and ran into the building. As I had expected, I was the first person in school although I had like twenty more minutes before the others started arriving. I went straight to Glenda's locker and put in her combination as I'd seen her do lots of times before. I proceeded to take out all her things which only comprised of  books, pens and a small make up kit and put them in a spare bag I'd carried. I then shut the locker and took out my grey spray can to begin the work. I was no painter, so myself and work were messy and smudged but at the end of it, those dirty words sprayed on Glenda's locker were no longer visible and I only hoped she would look past my meddling and see that I only cared for her well being.
Her earlier words to me meant she didn't want me to interfere but I had gone and done just that.
Oh my God did I do the right thing? Would she forgive me?

I pushed the thought aside and brought her things to my own locker, just as the first students started flocking inside the school.
I took out her books from the bag and one by one arranged them in my locker. An old rusty book with a leather cover caught my eye and I found myself staring at it longer that usual. I didn't know what book it was and I opened it at a random page just to quench my curiosity and was astounded by what I saw.
Before me was a whole page titled "About Nyra Washington" and just above it were the two words that made me shut the book : Dearest Diary.

She had me in her diary? A whole page about me? Why?

I fought against the urge - and I mean really fought against the urge to open it and read it all to the last fullstop. I knew how personal diaries could get and I had already crossed the line by painting her locker, she would never forgive me if I read her diary.
I put it back, closed my locker and went to wait for Glenda by hers.
Fifteen minutes of waiting were finally rewarded when a flushed Glenda finally showed up, the hood she was wearing covering her face right past her nose. How had she seen where she was going?

She stopped short of knocking me over and I laughed nervously at her clumsiness.

"Oh hi, I didn't see you there." She silently said.

"D..Dont worry about it." was my nervous reply. She still hadn't seen her locker.

"Listen Nyra, I uhh... I wanted to say that I'm-"

Pause. So three things happened while Glenda was making that statement. The first was she was chewing her lip and tucking her white hair behind her ear, the second was her hand lifted to start and open her locker and the third was me grabbing her whole arm and pulling it from her locker before she touched the still wet paint. Her eyes had filled with confusion as I started rambling about how I had wanted to help and thus painted away the words sprayed on her locker. By the time I was done explaining how I had stumbled upon her diary and how I'd seen - but hadn't read- how she'd written a whole page about me, her eyes had gone wider than saucers.

I could see the anger in her eyes. "You read my diary?!" she bellowed.

"N..no I didn't! I s..swear! I was curious, b..but I didn't!"

"You had no right to do any of this! I told you it was my business! Why couldn't you just leave it be?"

"I.. I'm s..ssorry! I d..didnt want to upset you or anything, I j..just wanted to help!"

I was getting hysterical, I could feel it. I was also a few seconds from crying.
Oh my God she was so angry!

"I don't need your help Nyra! You hear me? Now stay the hell away from me!"

Her words hurt so much that I felt something in me literally break.

"W..What? What are you saying?" I asked although I did not want her to repeat it.

She stepped closer to me and raised a nicely arched eyebrow, her eyes piercing into mine, "Did I stutter?"

I stepped back clutching my chest. She didn't just say that.

"Now don't come near me." She declared and left.

To say I was hurt was an understatement. I was, well, there was no word for it. I couldn't even cry. The one and only means I had always relied upon to reduce my pain and I couldn't even will it. Not a single tear came out. What had Glenda done to me?

Time went by even slowlier than usual and all I could think about during the classes was how I'd managed to ruin my relationship with Glenda over such a short time. What was wrong with me? My brothers had been right all along, I was socially unable to maintain any friendships and I'd been fooling myself all this time. They were right. Now I could admit it, which explains why I shut down Juanita when she bounced up to me at lunch telling me all about her day and asking me if I could come watch her cheerleading practice. I'd given her a simple plain out no for an answer and excused myself, leaving her to the table alone.

All through out the day, I kept sneaking glances at Glenda, wanting to apologise for everything, I kept looking, hoping she would even look my way even once.

She didn't.



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