Chapter 1:The Little Self-Centered Bitch

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Isabella's POV:  The moment you think that things just can't get any worse something so much worse than what was going on before is destined to happen right? 

I mean seriously though wasn't it already enough that I had burned by hand while making breakfast today morning,  I just ran out of my coffee, the electricity went out three times in five hours and now all this had to be on the one day of the week I dread the most -- MONDAY,  my worst enemy, I swear to god if Mondays was a person and I found it burning with one glass of water in my hand, I would drink even if I was not thirsty,

But I guess I don't only hate Mondays because they are the fucking worst, I more off hate them because Mondays mark the beginning of something which is so much more worse-- School and don't even ask me what I would have done if school was a Person, let's just assume I would become The Hulk and school would have been  Loki, just HULK SMASH! The shit out of the hollow little self centered bitch, Liberty Highs.

So where should I begin? More of where should I not begin because what should you say when you are asked to describe that one person you know in your life, who is always lost in the imaginary world created inside their head, is completely intolerant to anyone whose even dares to go against its "ideal" way of living, loves money and the people with money and cares about absolutely no one and  I emphasis, cares about NO FUCKING  ONE on this planet than itself and it's image, what do you call that person?  You call that person a "Horrible Ugly Bitch" as I don't know any harsher words and if you haven't caught it by now then let me help you, meet Liberty Highs, the Regina George of my life.

Okay to be absolutely fair the Regina George reference is not quite correct because as a matter of fact I love Regina George, you may think why as she was so mean to everyone? Heck yeah she was mean no doubt but then she was also this confident bad bitch, smart and took no nonsense, she knew her worth and come on! she was mean but the others were dumb so can you really blame her? and as you all have reached this far in my ted talk on Why Regina George is the best let me give you my final point I LOVE PINK! case closed. change my mind if you can.

No I am not wearing pink today and nor am I a blonde mean girl, I have none of the physical or psychological features which would even remotely forget about matching, even vaguely resemble Regina George, I am a brown girl with dark hair who is too scared to pull off her favorite color in the fear of all the piercing looks and comments she would get. I mean the attention I get for being what I am is enough so spare me with the "wanna be" "trying to hard" "attention seeker" taglines  and let me wear my black floral top with a lacey hemline with black pants so that I can dissolve in the shadows at the corner.

But I guess Lena won't really let me do that, she would come pull me out of the shadows to get her homework and then walk away throwing me right back in to them,                                                             "Hey Lena, How has it been?"                                                                                                                                          " Yeah pretty good did you finish the homework?" she says with her perfect angelic musical theater voice, I smile and get the papers out of my bag to hand them to her, she gives me the same smile she has been giving me for the past two years which translates to 'such an idiot, thinks I will invite her to my hangouts and let her sit with me if she does the homework for me, but as she is trying so hard might as well use her as much as I can' and I smile back to her which translates to 'You were  my best friend throughout kindergarten and middle school '  the problem is that only I know the meaning of my smile and Lena turns around and leaves, so yeah let me introduce you to my only "friend" I guess.  I mean sure I  have people who I can talk to and sit at lunch so that's good right? 

Though I really shouldn't be complaining about not having friends as trust me some people in Liberty Highs have it so much worse like just for example that Arabian girl Inayat, she is such a smarty pant even the nerds won't sit with her but I don't actually know much about her though as we never got the same classes and it's only been what like one years since she has been here and the only idea of how she is I got was from Lena as Inayat had refused to help her cheat in the exams and I low-key applaud her for that, but Lena was not so happy to say the least and now Inayat is boycotted from the Popular clique Like list, that's worse than not having friends I guarantee you.

So this begs the question who are the popular clique? as hopefully unless you are living under a rock in the dense forests of Africa you know what a popular clique is right? 

So back to "who?", well in Liberty Highs the popular clique are a bunch of typical and universally standard good looking people who are kind of rich but mainly just good looking and a social butterfly okay, not a butterfly a social hyena and they throw and go to a lot of parties and I don't know are good looking I guess? to name a few it would be Sabrina, Caleb, Martin and their newest addition Lena and some more football jock playboy kind of  people I believe. Now Don't judge me for being salty but I seriously don't get the hype, I mean really? Are you kidding me or what? I didn't know being pretty is such a huge talent to have, where do they teach that ha? I must enroll this year.

The next division after the popular clique, would be the nice clique who no one hates or loves, than the excited and always behaving like a goddamn seven year old Gamer's Division, the Art Students Division along with the always wearing headphones division, The Nerds always coming right at the top of every class and lastly the Random kids who go to school Division where I belong and the world expects us teenagers to bring change, make it a better place and treat everyone regardless of their social status, race, color, gender and appearance equally? You should go to any high school in the whole world for one day, you would laugh at your own self trust me.

But lets not be too judgmental as there are good people and bad people in the world however I just don't seem to find the good ones, hello! a little help here! I think I am lost! 

Only last year, a kid who went a grade above me was bullied so badly for god knows what reason he changed schools and people still laugh their ass of when they hear the story of that cry baby, so I shall stick to my opinions: Liberty Highs is a bitch, I hate everyone, Regina George is the best, THIS IS HELL and I want to leave.

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