''You know, you seem to know the constellations as if they were stitched into your brain and yet you don't take astronomy classes. Why is that?'' she asked in curiosity, remembering Alice's words from that morning.

''The Black family has a tradition that date back centuries in naming each one born into the family with constellations, stars and galaxies names. So, since an early age I learned each of their names and can easily identify them in a few seconds''  he spoke quietly with hint of anger in his voice.

Hope spoke up quickly noticing the hidden anger and pain in his eyes when he talked about his family ''I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked about that. You obviously don't like to talk about your family''

Sirius merely snorted ''Is that obvious? I hate the lot of them. My whole family consistis in pure blood maniacs that are quite eager to follow and support Voldemort. Let's just say we had a bit of an disagreement when I told them I rather die than join that lunatic. But it doesn't matter, to most people I will always be a Black, they will always treat me like...'' he continued to rant before Hope interrupted him.

''Like you are the villain of the story, just because of who your family is'' Hope spoke up with understatement shining in her eyes causing Sirius to look at Hope with absolute astonishment.

''Exactly'' Sirius approached Hope slowly until there was almost no space left between them.

Hope could hear his heartbeat against the back of her head and could hear the soft breaths of him by her side.

''You speak as if you know what is like. To be judged by your family's actions'' he said quietly.

''Something like that'' Hope answered in a quiet whisper. She glanced at him as he turned to gaze the night sky.

They didn't know yet, but it was that night their magic formed a much stronger connection, and soon they would realize that it was this moment when they fell for each other, like all the shooting stars above.

As for the constellations above them, who'd witnessed centuries and millennia just the same, watched over this tiny moment. The boy named after a star and his hope.

.   .   .

James Potter and Lily Evans made their way through the corridors in a comfortable  silence, neither daring to utter a word. Six minutes later, they reached the entrance to the kitchens that was located behind a painting of a gold fruit-bowl and when James tickled the huge pear in the painting they were quickly greeted by the warmth coming from the fireplace along with a hint of cinnamon that swirled around the air.

The Hogwarts kitchens was an enormous high-ceilinged room, almost as large as the Great Hall above it. Mounds of glittering brass pots and pans were heaped around the gray stone walls with a great fireplace at one end of the room. There was also four long  oak tables that were positioned exactly beneath the four house tables in the Great Hall above.

When they reached one of the oak tables one of the house elves squeaks excitedly ''Master Potter, Master Potter!''

James quickly looked up and gave the house-elf a warm smile ''Hello Twinky''.

''Back again? It is the fourth time this week!'' Twinky exclaims with a hint of amusement in her eyes and then continued ''What brings you here this time?''

''I was hoping to make some cookies again, if that's okay?'' James spoke hesitantly.

The small house elf harrumphed and narrowed her eyes ''As long as Master Black doesn't  show up once more and make the pots and pans dance hula because he was bored''.

''Sorry, Twinky. Look, Lily Evans is here to make sure I'm on my best behavior. She'll keep me on task.

''Make sure you do'' She gave him one of her stern looks and quickly turned away to bake a few treacle tarts.

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