[REQUEST] Tenya Iida X Gender-Neutral Reader

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Das what he's wearing /\/\/\

Requested by @Ikochan2  (the original one wasn't Gender-neutral, but in it there wasn't any specified gender]

One o'clock on a monday morning, and you had found yourself up..again

You let out a sigh, pulling your hand through your hair. E/c eyes half-lidded with drowsiness. you haven't slept well all week thanks to your homework load you had.

Thanks U.A.


Your head whipped around, your face growing hot and the person beside you.

Tenya looked wide awake himself, and in all his glory too. Between his wonderfully kept blue hair, to his tall frame and ready-to-go posture.

You had most definitely fallen in love.

You scrambled up out of Your chair.

"Tenya! I-I didn't know anyone else was up. I didn't wake you did I? Cause if I did I can-"

"Y/n!" He cut you off, a frown tugging at his lips. You looked at Your feet, hands clasped together behind your back. "What have I told you about staying up this late? It's not good for you."

He began to collect your scattered papers, Your face shifting from shame to terror.

"W-Wait! They were all organized!" you whined, watching him finish stacking them. You laid your cheek against the table as he tucked them under his arm.

Tenya grabbed you by your hand, leading you up the stairs.

'Oh god...He's practically holding my hand!' Your flushed, Your face going red.

Tenya looked back, pausing.

He pressed a hand against your forehead, "You're not sick are you? You look red."

"N-No." You mumbled, blushing harder.

Tenya gave You a suspicious look, then continued forward.

You were dragged into Your room and pushed you onto the bed. You pulled the covers over you, e/c eyes watching Tenya.

"You can go now, Tenya. Thank you." Your said.

Tenya shook his head with a scornful look. "Honestly! Why lie to me? I know you're going to sneak out, so I'm going to stay here."


Your mouth fell open.

"B-But Tenya! Don't you need sleep too?" You flushed.

Tenya paused for a moment, eyes spacing off to think. "I guess you're right." He grumbled.

The corner of his lips twitched into a smile.

"What? I don't like that look." You said, eyeing him warily.

Tenya strolled up to you, a small smile forming on his face. He took a seat beside you on the bed, your face heating up.

"T-Tenya?" You squeaked.

Tenya plopped down beside you, placing his hands under his head. He turned and looked at you, blue eyes scanning you intently.

"Can I have some blanket?"

You squeaked, your face most definitely red. Stuttering, you moved towards the wall to give him more space. He pulled the blanket over him and set his glasses on the bedside table.

"T-Tenya?!" You stuttered. He only placed a kiss on your cheek then pulled you closer.

"Go to sleep, and don't even bother trying to get away."

And with him sleeping beside you...you weren't sure if you wanted to leave.

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