Bakugo X Suicidal! Reader

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He looks Hawt eating that rice...


Bakugo drummed his fingers along the desk with boredom, his eyes wandering from the board to the h/c girl beside him.

Yes, he was seated by the extra nobody L/n.

He scowled as a pink dusted his cheeks. She never said anything back when he called her out, called her names, or screamed at her.

How could someone so perfect not say anything?

In fact, he had never heard you say anything other than answers for the class. 'Stupid Extra, making me feel the stupid fuckin way.' He scowled.

"Bakugo, pay attention please, I don't need more wasted time." Aizawa said, his eyes never falling from the board. 

Bakugo let out a small growl, then faced forward.


Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he peeled himself from the desk. His eyes bore holes into you as you sat there, waiting for everyone to leave.

'She's up to something, damn nerd.' He thought to himself as he turned the corner, waiting to follow you.

Believe it or not, Bakugo could tell something was wrong, he just didn't know what. 

You exited the classroom, shaky breaths leaving you as you crept down the hallway. With your bag in shaky hands, you climbed the stairs and headed to the roof. 

Bakugo wasn't far behind you, but the minute he heard a sob, his heart shattered with guilt.

'D-Did I do this?' He pondered, watching from afar as you made your way towards the ledge. 

Removing your shoes, you placed them beside the drop, a symbol of what will have happened.

'Oh god, s-shes going to-' He opened his mouth to say something, as tears streamed down your face. 

You lowered yourself, preparing for what was soon to come. He tried to say something, but the lump in his throat made it hard to breathe.

"Goodbye...everyone." You weakly mumbled out, your sobs ringing in his ears. As you were about to push yourself off, you snapped at his voice.

"Hey extra!" He yelled, his voice cracking ever so slightly. 

Turning to face him, your eyes met teary, red ones. 

"Why don't you think of everyone else before you do something rash, huh?!" His voice cracked at 'everyone'

Tensing up, you swallowed. Tears flooded past both his and your eyes. Sorrys coming from you over and over again.

'Why was he here? Crying?' You thought to yourself.

"Before you go, l-let me at least take you to coffee!" He yelled, your eyes widening.

He turned a dark red, realizing what he was saying. Wiping away tears, he held out his hand.

"W-Why do you want t-to help m-me all of a sudden?" You choke out. 

"Because...I dunno how to tell you of these...these dumb feelings I have for you!" He growled, a small gasp coming from your throat.

"Coffee?" You mumbled, slightly expecting him to laugh.

"Yeah...let's go get Coffee." 

MY HERO ACADEMIA ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now