[REQUEST] Villain! Bakugou X Reader

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Requested by Alyssa936832

You snuck through the rows of abandoned warehouses, pulling tighter on your dark grey hoodie.

Why were you here? Because, as a reporter, it is your job to investigate when a scoop presents itself. You...also happened to be needing a summer job before your next year at high school and this deemed itself easy enough.

However, that didn't change the fact that you were still very much terrified.

You turned down a dark alleyway, pulling out your flashlight. You had turned your phone's video on, so it would record everything that it heard.

Taking a few more steps in, you heard a clatter from the corner. Jerking your head around, you locked eyes with two large dogs, muzzles wrapped around their snouts.

'Well, at least I got that going for me...' You thought to yourself, backing away slowly.

The dog to the left growled, and the other one began to approach you.

Chuckling anxiously, you could barely find your voice, "Uhh, nice p-puppies..." Even with their muzzles on, they still looked ready to tear into you.

The dog on the right lunged towards you, and you let out a harrowing scream.

"Enough!" You whipped around to see a teenager, a little older than you, eyeing the dogs with his scarlet orbs.

Oh gosh, he was pretty hot.

"Damn dogs," He grumbled, placing a hand on your shoulder while still glaring the animals down.

The dogs cowered, backing up into the corner. You studied the man beside you, gasping when you realized who he was.

Katsuki Bakugou.

He was a fugitive, wanted for murder, theft, and a long list of more horrible crimes.

Your mouth felt terribly dry as you watched turned back toward the dogs, who were now obediently stepping forward.

He pulled out a leash, his hand still clamped harshly onto your shoulder. He hooked the dogs to the line, and then turned to you.

He smiled at your fearful mien, his canines glinting in the little moonlight that shone into the alleyway.

"And who do we have here?" He grinned, something twisted and sadistic beneath his happy façade.

"Oh- um, I- L/n...L/n Y/n," you gulped, licking your dry lips.

He leaned forward, scarlet eyes studying you, "And what are you doing out so late, miss Y/n L/n?"

Oh gosh, what do you say?

You felt clammy, and really sweaty under his intense gaze.

"Looking for...my, uh, c-cat?" It came out more like a question, and for the first time you locked eyes with him.

Instantly you were pressed up against the wall behind you, a hand wrapped tightly around your throat.

"And you're recording too?" He brandished your phone, brows knit together with hot anger, "Hmm? Miss Y/n L/n?"

There was fury laced underneath the baritone of his voice. You were gonna get yourself killed here, you could see it in his eyes. If you give him a chance, he'll kill you.

Your heart felt like it had wedged its way into your throat, and your voice was far more squeaky then you wanted it to be when you said, "I-If I tell you the truth, you won't kill me right?"

He burst into laughter, a deep rumble coming from his chest, "If you lie, I'll kill you without hesitation, brat."

He seemed to get closer, and you could feel his hot breath on your neck as he leaned down.

"I'm waiting, Y/n," he barked.

"I-I'm a reporter!" You squeaked out, "I-I was just trying to get a good story so I'll get paid more, I heard- I heard there were some missing cases over in this part of town!"

His blonde hair tickling your jaw, and the heat from his breath still fanned over your collarbone.

His phone ringing scared you, and he laughed at your startle. He looked you in the eye, and answered it. You were close enough to him to hear even the person on the other side of the line.

"Katsuki, where are you?" The voice was raspy, and sounded bored.

"Sorry, Dabi, I got a little tied up. Found a kitten and thought I'd play with them," he stared at you, and you felt yourself fluster. Kitten?!

"You're always the easy one to keep track of," Dabi said, "let's keep it that way."

"Alright, Alright, dammit, I'm coming," Bakugou groaned, then hung up. He watched you for a second, before smirking at you, "I'll let you go, but if you tell anyone," his hand pressed harder against your neck, and you could feel the heat from his quirk. You couldn't stop yourself from squeezing your eyes shut and whimpering, "If you tell anyone, I'll kill you myself."

He was off of you in an instant, both him and the dogs gone, as well as your phone. Your face felt flushed, and you felt horribly bothered.

And within a week after this, you found yourself wanting to see him again.


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