After the fight! All Might X Short! Shy! Reader LEMON [REQUEST]

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This request comes from @wrinklytoad! 



Toshinori had come into your cafe before, and you often would chat with him(more like give out incoherent sentences.). Soon it blossomed to a crush, then, maybe, a tinsy obsession. Most guys just weren't like him!

But after the big fight where All Might almost died...

Your Toshinori was...was All Might!

Oddly enough, the thought filled you with dread. What if...what if he had just stopped dropping by, you never would've known.


The bell chimed and you looked up from your sketchpad, a blush covering your face.

"Tosh- A-All Might, sir!" You stuttered, giving a slight bow. Toshinori grimaced.

"You really don't have to do that, Y/n. And just call me Toshinori, please."

"Oh...O-okay!" You said, "What c-can I g-get you? Or w-would you just like what you normally g-get?"

"Just the usual Iced Chai." He said, a small smile crossing his features. "Oh! And Y/n?"

You hummed in response as you prepared his drink, e/c eyes focused.

This was what Toshinori loved about you. The way he could fluster you with a cheesy pick up line, or how you smiled bigger than he had as All Might when you were happy (Which was incredible to him). Or- Or! Or how about the twinkle in your e/c orbs when you talked about something you loved, and the way you played with your hair when you were embarrassed or super happy?! That was so beautiful!

He loved you.

"Well, um. Man, I suck at this," He whispered to himself. Letting out a sigh, he continued, 'Well, I was w-wondering if you wanted to, um." He trailed off.

He was All Might, he should be able to at least ask a girl out!

"O. M. GEE! IT'S ALL MIGHT!" Someone squealed. Within minutes, Toshinori was surrounded by fans.

You let out a sigh. "He'll never love a dwarf like me." you said to yourself. Grabbing a cup, you looked down at it, "I'll at least give him my number, so he can tell me what he wanted to say." you chuckled.

This totally isn't a sneaky way to give your crush your number, was it?

"An Iced Ch-Chai for All Might." you called, and with that you got back to serving customers.
Toshinori let out a sigh. Maybe it was hopeless, but then again, he was kind of a scrawny little runt. you'd probably like him more as All Might anyway.

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