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Azura Powell

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthday: February 28
Height: 5'4
Weight: 116lbs
Blood Type: A-
Family: Elmer Powell (Father, Alive), Beckett Powell (Father, Alive), and Loki (Owl, Alive). The birth mother is unknown.
Likes: Loki, Potions class, practicing magic and potions, green and yellow, her fathers, taking pictures and fall.
Dislikes: Nosy people or well people in general, most of the teachers, Ravenclaw, being the center of attention, her biological mother and dark chocolate.
Fears: Bullying and being the center of attention.
Personality: She usually keeps to herself and doesn't bother trying to make friends, in fact, she tends to ignore people. She's smart but doesn't have much motivation to do the work. Very observant and paranoid, however, she doesn't show it. Has a bit of OCD, so when she does something, it has to be "perfect" or just up to her standards. She does tend to get annoyed when other people do things and they aren't "perfect" but doesn't comment on it. She is very protective of the eagle owl the is almost always on her shoulder.
Description: She has caramel coloured skin. Her shoulders are covered with small scars from when Loki was younger and still learning. Her auburn hair is in a waterfall braid and stops just under her shoulders. Her eyes are a dull grey. She wears her Slytherin uniform along with a necklace that has an emerald on the end of it, it is usually under her uniform. Loki, a white, black-spotted eagle owl is always on her shoulder. Her wand is usually in her sleeve, be it simply for comfort or because she's paranoid.
•Loki is the name of her owl. Her owl is an eagle owl. It is white and black. She named him after her favourite Norse God.
•Her wand is 8 inches long and is made of walnut with a troll whisker core.
•She basically raised Loki.

•She had a fall out with her friends during the sorting ceremony. Her friends left her because she was sorted into Slytherin while they were sorted into Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Her first year at Hogwarts, most of the first year Ravenclaw students picked on her because of her old "friends" and their lies.
•She is in her 6th year
•She was not adopted, her biological father is Elmer. She is the product of a one night stand that made her fathers fight for months.
•Both of her fathers are wizards, it is unknown if her biological mother is a which, but considering the fact that the one night stand happened in the Leaky Cauldron, it is likely that she is.
•Elmar was a Slytherin while Beckett was a Hufflepuff.

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