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Eliza Pilamard

Age: 1372
Gender: Female
Birthday: N/A
Height: 5ft
Weight: 105lbs
Blood Type: N/A
Family: The fay do not have families.
Likes: To fly, fire, her abilities, being away from the place she once called home, children, and watching the world change with time.
Dislikes: The place she once called home, the other fay, humans, her kind losing their wings, most mystical creatures, unnecessary use of her powers, being reminded of her height, and caterpillars.
Fears: The removal of her wings
Personality: Usually kind and generous, however, she can be rather crafty. Due to her inability to lie, she tends to dance around the answer, directing everyone elses attention to a different topic. She doesn't have much of a temper and tends to be very patient. She can be tense around most mystical beings, however, she does get along with some of them. She's not exactly social, though she does go to human schools every once and a while to see if they are being historically correct.
Description: She has dark grey eyes with specks of white in them. Her eyes turn pure glowing white while using her powers. Her skin is pale but gets a grey tint to it when using her abilities. Depending on what she is doing with her abilities, white lightning marks will appear on her hands and on the corner of her face. Her hair is a stormy colour, with random streaks of white. It stops just below her chin, a single braid acting almost like a headband, her hair is wavy, but not too bad. She enjoys her dresses, and is usually against pants, but will wear them if needed. She also prefers to wear flats. Her wings are clear and long, reaching past her fingertips. They have white lightning strips in them and turn dark grey when using her powers. Her wings are ripped around the edges from fighting in the past, her body may heal but her wings don't.
• She was born from a severe thunderstorm that devastated many cities.
• She can control storms, (Thunderstorms, snowstorms and anything in between them) however, she can also simply control the tings from the storms such as lightning, ice, water, and the temperature.
• She was banished from her home due to her damage done to her wings.
• She has encountered many mystical beings over the years, yet has found that humans are the cruellest beings.
• She is incapable of lying and plays with the conversation. Sometimes she simply stays silent but enjoys toying with people from time to time.
• She can curse people, it is an ability all fay can do, though she has only ever cursed one person.
• She believes that the fay do have a soul, despite what the elders in her town claim.
• She has seen many wars over the years, but she still cries when she sees so many bodies.
• She does interfere with human wars in an attempt to stop them, obviously, this never works, but it's the thought that counts.
• The fay are strong beings, much stronger than they are given credit for. They are capable of recreating the disaster that they were born from and can strengthen said disaster when angered. They can not die unless they chose suicide.
• The fay do have mates, however, it can take thousands of years for them to find them.
• Eliza does not have friends, she never sticks around long enough to befriend someone.
• Most of the fay's birthdays are unknown unless another fay is there to witness their birth. A fay can be born before, during or after a disaster.
• Fay can be born from any kind of disaster, be it a tsunami, a pandemic or simply mass murder, like a war. Most fays are born from natural disasters like tornados and storms. During a pandemic and a war, it depends on how many fays can be born. It's time-based with things like that, so if a pandemic lasts more than a few months, then another fay can be born. It is complicated.

Artist: winter_bites

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Artist: winter_bites

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