Haikyuu OC (4)

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Nikko Komatsu

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Birthday: August 9
Height: 6'4ft
Weight: 179lbs
Blood Type: B-
Family: Ayumi Komatsu (Mother, Alive), and Tatsuo Komatsu (Older Brother, Alive). (Father is unknown)
Likes: Volleyball, english, his teammates, winning, soba, video games and Nekoma's volleyball team.
Dislikes: Pork buns, Aoba Johsai, rain, losing, slackers.
Fears: Not being able to play again, lightning and hurting his friends while playing.
Personality: Much like Hinata he is a bouncy bubbly person, however he is just as focused on his studies as he is volleyball. He can get cocky while on the court, but also tends to act like this when he is around other teams that he hasn't built a good relationship with yet. He fools around a lot, but is a good player. He is good at lifting up his teams spirits even when they are losing and acts like a parent when he isn't goofing off.
Description: He has dark brown almost black eyes, contacts, tan skin, and blonde curly hair that falls just under his ears, along with a single piercing on his right ear. Outside of school and volleyball, he wears ripped blue jeans, a baggy beige long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up, thick rimmed black glasses and black and orange running shoes. He also has a scar on the left side of his face from the accident.
● His jersey number is 13
●He has gone to the same school as Hinata since elementary school and they have been on the same volleyball team since middle school
●He has liked volleyball since he was 6 after watching his older brother play in nationals.
●He, surprisingly, gets along with Tsukishima, most of the time at least.
●Nikko does not get along well with Yamaguchi, not when they are by themselves at least.
●He fears lightning because it struck a tree next to his house when he was little. The tree fell and landed on his house, crushing his mothers room and making it so that she can no longer walk.
●His father left before he was born, Tatsuo was only ten at the time, making him ten years older than Nikko.
●His problems with Aoba Johsai are because of Oikawa.
●Him and Kenma are online gaming buddies, and have been since middle school, hence the good relationship between him and Nekoma.

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