"Demi!" I called through the house.

"In here!" She called from the living room.

I smiled as I rounded the corner and saw her standing up from the couch in her tight but fitting yoga pants and a long sleeved shirt that hugged her curves perfectly.

"Hey baby." I smiled.

"Hey, babe." She said.

"How are you on this fine morning?" I smiled.

She smiled back, but then an unexpected turn occurred. Her happy smile suddenly faded and her lip curled under and tears started bubbling up in her eyes.

I frowned and quickly walked over to her and brought her into my embrace, "What's wrong, baby?"

Her back shook as she let her first sob out, "I could have prevented this."

I walked her over to the couch and she sat on my lap and buried her face into my neck as she continued crying.

"Prevented what? Talk, honey." I soothingly spoke.

"Annie," she cried. "She's depressed."

I stopped rubbing her back and sat up more straight, "What?"

Demi told me everything from going through Annie's phone to her googling things last night. My heart instantly sank as I knew she was showing all the signs.

"What do I do, Wilmer?" She cried.

"Well," I sighed. "I don't know, Demi. I don't know."

She shook her head and cried harder. Fuck.

"She needs to be around other people." I said. "She needs different company. Maybe while we're at the gym she can hangout with Madison."

She nodded and wiped the tears off her cheek. "Yeah, maybe."

"And eventually, if she doesn't come to you soon, you need to talk to her about it. Let her know you know. It's only going to get worse if she has no one to talk to."

"I know." She said. "I just don't want her to freak and shut me out."

"She wouldn't do that, Demi. She loves you." I said.

She nodded and stood from my lap. "I'll go wake her up."

I waited for her to leave the room to follow. I quietly mimicked her footsteps to Annie's room. I just want to see what's going on first hand.

Demi opened the door and left it open wide enough for me to see in from down the hall. I'm hoping Demi is just overreacting and Annie really isn't as bad as what she claims.

"Hey," Demi said, sitting down on the edge of Annie's bed. "Wake up, baby girl."

It took a few minutes, but eventually Annie sat up and they were carrying on a conversation. So far so good.

"Me and Wilmer are going to the gym. Do you wanna go hangout with Mads for a while?"

"No." Annie said quickly. "I want to go with you guys."

"Honey, I think you need to go hangout with Mads because you haven't seen her in a few days." Demi said. "Besides, you're to young to go to the gym that Wilmer and I go to."

Annie's face paled and I could basically see her head racing for an explanation of why we shouldn't go.

"Baby, why do you all of a sudden not want to leave my side?" Demi kindly asked.

Annie scooted away from her and shook her head. "I- I don't know." She answered truthfully.

"I'm leaving for an hour and you're freaking out." Demi hesitantly implied.

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