Chapter 48

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Demi's POV

Throughout my teenage years I saw my mom go through several stages of disappointment, anger, and self hatred. Each individual time she found out about my self harm, eating disorder, bipolar, and drug/alcohol addiction she kept repeating she failed as a mother and she failed me. I never understood why she said she failed as a mother, if anything I failed as a person.

It wasn't until today that I realized what she meant. It wasn't until today that I realized that I failed as a mother, too. How could I not have noticed that Annie hasn't been eating? She's depressed? She basically self harmed? I used to notice everything. She's my whole world.. Why did she feel like she couldn't tell me?

When I left the room after her showing me her stomach, I didn't leave because I was mad at her. I left because I was mad at myself.

Then, she came looking for me and fell outside her hospital room. That makes me feel ten times more guiltier than I already am.

What do I do now? Put her in therapy? Take care of her myself? I have no idea what to do.

I let out a breath and sat up. I was sitting with Wilmer outside her room, waiting for her doctors to get done examining her so we can sign the discharge papers and get the hell out.

"I don't know what to do." I mumbled into my palms.

I could feel Wilmer rubbing his hands together. "Well, it looks like this has been going on for a while so it's not gonna just be okay with a click of a button."

"Uhm, yeah, I know." I rolled my eyes.

Is he a dumb ass? Out of all people, I should know that. Maybe I'm just stressed out and little things are aggravating me.

"I just don't understand how you didn't notice." He muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"As much time as you two spend together, I don't understand how you didn't notice.. All of this." He said, gesturing towards her room.

My mind was racing. I was so pissed, I could probably punch him in the throat right now and not care.

"You're with us just as much as anybody else, so why didn't you notice?" I scoffed.

"I'm not her mother. She should notice things like that." He said.

"Miss. Lovato?" The doctor asked, walking out of the room interrupting our argument. "Can you come up to the desk to sign these papers?"

"Yeah." I said, rising to my feet. I looked at Wilmer and said, "You can go now. Marissa is here."

"I'll go to your house and get it ready for Annie."

"Don't bother."

Annie's POV

I watched the doctor leave the room to go have Demi sign the discharge papers and I quickly looked over at Marissa.

"Hey, please help me get these clothes on." I said in an urgent voice.

She looked up from her magazine with uncertainty written on her face, "I don't know if I'm allowed.. What if you're to weak and you fall on my watch again?"

I groaned and sat up straight, "I won't! I slipped, okay? Please just do it. I don't want Demi helping me and seeing the stuff on my stomach and getting mad or disappointed again so, please, help."

Marissa bounced her foot up and down looking between where Demi was standing and me. Eventually, she grabbed the clothes and rushed over by my side.

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