Chapter 30

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Annie's POV

"Come on!" Marissa groaned, pulling me out the door with one hand.

"But what if it's some type of bad luck or something?" I questioned.

"It isn't, now come on already!"

We're going to mine and Demi's house to 'straighten it up' before she gets home tomorrow evening.. And then we're staying the night there. I just don't want to stay there without Demi. I don't know, it's weird.

I trudged to Mars car and slid in the passenger seat as she readjusted the cooling and slid her sunglasses on.. Even though we're going five minutes down the road.

"Aren't you going to miss me when Demi comes home?"

"I'm sure you'll be around just as much as this week," I said, considering she's at our house everyday.

"You say it like its a bad thing.."

I smiled, "Never."

I look at Marissa as another mom or an aunt.

Marissas phone started rapidly buzzing from the cupholder and I watched as she slightly laughed and pressed the phone to her ear, "Aye lil' mama. No. On our way to your house. I got the key. Yup. Eh- oh. Are you having fun? Yeah, tell them I said hi. Oh really? That's funny. Yeah, here she is!"

Marissa nonchalantly hands me over the phone and I get a little spark of excitement when I see its Demi. Obvi.


"Hey, baby girl!" Demi's voice makes me miss her even more.

"Hey momma,"

"How's your day?"

"Just like every other one.."

"Oh," she said, "Well, aren't you excited I'm coming home tomorrow?!"

"Yes!" I smiled, "but are you sure you can't come home earlier?"

"I'm sure," she sighed, "but I wish I could.."

"Yeah," I said.

"I've gotta go.. Be good for Mar! I'll call you before and after the show, okay? I love you so much!"

"Okay. I love you too,"

I hit the red button and put it back it o the cupholder.


"Start working on your room!" Marissa said.

I shook my head, "It's clean."

I kinda lied. It's not clean... At all. I'm not sure if I still have a floor in there.

"Don't make me go check!" She said, scrubbing the kitchen counter tops.

"For real," I said, popping a chip in my mouth, "Why are we cleaning, again?"

"Because your mother left it a mad house and I was just gonna surprise her," she said.


"I'll be right back," she slipped the rubber gloves off if her hands and laid them on the counter before heading for the stairs.

I clicked the lock button on my phone and the time read 7:26. Only 24 more hours until Demi is here. I can do this.. I think.

I really hope Marissa will order take out from that pizza place down the road with the really good cheesy breadsticks and the-


I'm assuming she saw my room.


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