Chapter 55

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Annies POV

Four days later, we're all back in LA. I couldn't do much the last part of our vacation because of my broken arm, but whatever. At least we're home now I guess.

As of now, I'm camped out in the movie room watching Netflix. Until my phone started ringing and I had to pause it.

I looked at the ID and saw it was one of my friends, Courtney.


"Hey!" I heard her cheerful voice come through the line.

"Hey!" I smiled to myself.

"Okay, so, Ryan is throwing a little party like group get together and he told me to invite my friends so..." She trailed off. Ryan is her boyfriend. "And his cousin is inviting people, too. And after that me, you, and Kyler can come back to my house. We called Madison but she said she had Ariel and an audition thingy."

"Oh, yeah, okay, that sounds like fun."
I said, getting excited.

"But... There's a... Something.. You should probably know.."


"Ryan's cousins best friend is Conner so he might be there."

My heart instantly dropped. I'm not going. I can't. Nope. My palms started sweating as my heart started racing.

"I don't know, Courtney. I don't think that's a good idea.." I said.

"There will be so many people you won't even see him.. And if you do, then make him regret losing you. Dress up. You can do this, Annie."

I nodded my head. She's right. "Okay, yeah. I'll go ask my mom."

I heard her sigh in relief. "Okay, yay! Tell her I love her!"

"Okay, I will." I laughed, then hung up the phone.

I found Demi upstairs on the couch catching up on Scandal. It's only like 11:30, so Wilmer must be at work filming.

"Hey, mom." I said, walking in.

"Hey, baby." She smiled, looking up at me.

"Courtney's boyfriend and his cousin are throwing this little party thing and she asked me to come with her." I said. "Can I?"

"That should be fine, I think." She smiled.

"Okay, good." I said, plopping down beside her. "But, you have to help me get ready and stuff and make me look really pretty because Conner is going to be there."

She was quick to grab the remote and hit pause, looking over at me like I was crazy. "Conner is going to be there?"

"Yeah.." I frowned.

"No." She shook her head. "Maybe it's not a good idea, after all."

"What?!" I asked, mouth gaped open. "But- but you said I could!"

"I don't think I want you going especially if he's going to be there. Your arm is broken and you should stay home and rest."

"This is my time to show him what he's missing out on, mom!" I fired back, "That isn't fare and you freakin' know it!"

"I said no, Annie." She said sternly.

"But, mom!"

She hit play on her show and said, "No, Annie. No is no."

I let out a frustrated grown as anger filled my body. Fucking let me go! She can stop being a bitch. Courtney is so busy with getting her acting career started that I never get to see her. Fuck that.

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