Chapter 57

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Demi's POV

I wasn't there for her first steps. I wasn't there for her first words. I wasn't there for her first day of school. I wasn't there for her first report card. I wasn't there for her first t-ball game. I wasn't there for her first boo boo. I wasn't there for her first breath or first cry, but I'm here now.

I'm here. I'm her mom. I may have missed out on the first couple of years of her life and I may not be her biological mother, but I'm her mom.

This is the first time Annie has basically snuck out, and the first time Annie ever went to a literal party. Like, alcohol supplied party.

She lied to me. She went. She argued. She bitched. She cussed. I'm pissed off at her and Wilmer both. Both of them have made me so angry.. Annie has disappointed me so much.

Anyway, I'm currently painting makeup on my face so I can get ready for a meeting with people about my upcoming tour and stuff like that.

"Hey," i heard Annie say from behind me, "Can I wear this?"

I glanced back in the mirror and saw her holding up my black crop top.

"I don't know where you think you're wearing it too." I said, continuing to put on my makeup.

"I was going with you today.." she said.

I did say day before yesterday she could come so we could get food afterwards.

"Oh." I simply said.

"Nevermind." She mumbled, walking back into my closet.

"I didn't say you couldn't wear it."

"I'm not going if we're not talking." She muttered, walking out of my bedroom.

Whatever. I do not feel bad about giving her the silent treatment. It's not even the silent treatment. I'm talking to her im just being short. There's a difference.

Almost immediately after Annie left the room, Wilmer appeared.

"What are we doing tonight?" He asked from the doorway.

I shrugged, completely ignoring his question.

"Are we going with you to that meeting and getting food afterwards or...?"

I shrugged once again.

"Cool." He said.


"Whatever. I'm not going if you're acting like this." Then, he followed Annies footsteps and walked out the door.

I love how I'm the bad guy in this situation. They both went behind my back yet I'm the mean one. Okay fam.

Checking my reflection once more, I decided I looked descent enough and hurried down the stairs.

I quickly walked into the kitchen where I saw Annie seated at the island playing on her phone. Soon I began making my healthy smoothie. I'm going to be late I can feel it.

As I eyed Annie, something seamed off. It's not her appearance. Not her hair. Not the clothes. Not the face. What is it?


I took that damn phone away yesterday! How the hell does she have it?!

"Annie Marie!" I snapped. "Why the hell do you have your phone?!"

Her eyes bulged and her jaw dropped open a bit as she tried to come up with a good explanation. Busted.

I reached my hand out and she hung her head low before dropping it in my palm.

I literally had this hid with all the rest of my work stuff. Freakin sneaky ass.

I stuffed it into my back pocket, then snatched my now made smoothie.

"Be good, got it? No more behind my back shit." I said, picking up my phone off the counter top.

"Okay." She mumbled.

I was almost out the door when Annie called after me, "Bye. Love you."

My heart smiled a little before I called back, "Bye. Love you, Annie."

Annie's POV

Bored. Bored. Bored.

I'm grounded. In the house. No phone. No laptop. No communication with the outside world. I'm like on an episode of Big Brother.

Wilmer left earlier to go to the gym real fast or something, so now all I have is Buddy. Actually, I don't even have Buddy. He won't sit with me. He keeps running away.

I'm so mad at myself. Yeah, when I was in Demi's closet I found my phone. For some reason I assumed she wouldn't be coming in the kitchen and shed just leave, then I got distracted playing on it, that I didn't even realize she was in there. Dumb ass.

Then, the idea hit me.

I reached out for the Xbox controller, and began twiddling my thumbs over the system.

In no time, I was on Twitter via Xbox. We never use this thing. Sometimes it comes in handy I guess.

I suddenly heard the home phone ringing. The home phone? That ancient thing? I literally haven't even heard it ring since like the first day we got it which was like four years ago.

I awkwardly moved over to find it, and when I picked it up and saw it was Demi, my heart picked up its pace.

Shit fuck. She probably has a camera set up and knows I'm on Twitter. I've been caught. My mother is everywhere.

I nervously answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hey baby," she rushed, obviously forgetting she's mad at me, "I need you to do something for me real fast."


"All you have to do is check the mail and see if I got something from Adventure."

"Okay.. Hold on."

I stood from my position and fast walked through the kitchen, setting the phone down on the counter top.

I ran outside, the sun and fresh air hitting me hard. Oh how nice this feels... Until I realized I was standing on the burning up drive way.

I screeched before turning my walk into a jog, picking up my feet off the ground as much as I can. I grabbed the mail, then made a beeline back into the house.

I scattered the mail across the counter until I found the piece of mail Demi was looking for.

Picking the phone back up, I said, "Yeah it's here."

"Okay, that's all. Thank you. I'll be home soon, alright?"

"Alright." I said, hanging up the phone.

I was just about to head back into the living room when a certain envelope caught my eye.

It was my adoption center.

Curiosity took over me as I ripped it open and scanned through it. They used words I didn't understand every now and then but I definitely got the concept.

With my heart hammering in my chest, I did my first instinct. I ripped the paper in shreds, then through it away in the trash can.

My biological mother is trying to get in touch with me.

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