Chapter 19

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Demi's POV

"How do I look?" I asked Annie as I walked out of the hotel bathroom.

She had the white covers over her face, scrolling on her phone.

She looked up for half a second before straining her attention back to her iPhone, "Hot."

I sighed, walking over and sitting down beside Annie's body, "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." She said.

"Baby, please. I don't want to fight today." I said, exhausted of trying to get Annie to open up to me.

"I just wish we could spend more time together." She softly said.

"Me too, princess. That's why I took you on tour with me. So we could be together."

"But we never see each other expect for mornings, in between press, before your show, and at night."

"I told you it would be like this. It's hard for me too, Annie."

She pouted and dropped her phone onto the bed and slid over to my lap, in attempt to fall back asleep.

"Oh, no you don't. We have to go to the arena." I said.

"But there's nothing to do there!" She complained.

"I have press!" I said, "Go ride the good carts with security, go bug Christina, workout, take a nap!"

"Mommy, why can't it just be me and you? You do press all the time. Don't they run out of questions to ask?"

I shrugged. "They kinda just ask the same ones."

She huffed and pulled the covers up over her head, but her phone slid over to my knee, illuminating with a text from Marissa that read, "He'll come around, baby girl. I promise... And if he doesn't, I'll rip his balls off."

My heart took a twinge of jealously. Why was she talking to Marissa about her problems and not me?

"Hey, baby, did you ever try calling Conner again?"

"He. Doesn't. Want. To. Talk. To. Me." She said angrily, making me regret even trying. "He doesn't want to spend time with me, just like you."

As the words slipped out of her mouth I felt my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach, but the last part felt like a huge punch in the gut.

"Annie!" I said, pulling the covers down from over her face. "Why on earth would you say that?! You know If I could spend every second on earth with you, I would."

Knock knock knock.

With my mouth gaped open and tears stinging my eyes, I stood up and walked to the hotel room door, to see Caroline standing there.

"Hey Dem, we have to leave in-" she started, but looked up and obviously saw how much of a wreck I was in. "What's wrong?!"

I pulled her into the hallway, so Annie couldn't hear and said, "Annie is upset because she says she wants me to spend more time with her, and I saw Marissa texted her about the boy she likes, or don't likes, and so I decided to ask her about the boy and she was all like 'he doesn't want to spend time with me, just like you' and that broke my heart."

Caroline nodded, taking in all the information. I'm wondering how she can keep up with all of this. I can barely keep up with all of this.

"I'll get her up, don't worry. Just wait here."

And then she disappeared into the hotel room. With my ear pressed up against the door, of course.

"Annie," I heard her gently say, "how are you?"

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