Chapter Thirteen

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Demi's POV

It only took my body three seconds to realize that Annie had slammed the door in my face and only one more second after that to realize Annie left.

I ran to the door and swung it open, revealing the empty and deserted driveway. Shit. She must've ran to my moms to talk to Madison.

I shut the door and walked back inside, fishing in my pocket for my phone. When I pulled it out, I dialed my moms number.


"Hey mom."

"What's up?"

"Is Annie over there?" I asked walking into the kitchen. Before Annie left, she grabbed a charger which I bet she thought was hers but it wasn't. It was the the iPhone 4 charger that I found when I was cleaning earlier.

"No.. Why?"

I abruptly stopped in the kitchen. Then where did she go?

"Oh." I said. "Well, she's probably on her way over. We got into an argument and she literally like left."

"Hold on." Mom said.

I think my strategy is just to let Annie cool down. I know I shouldn't of said what I did and shouldn't of been talking about it at that time. But she shouldn't of just walked out, either.

"I'm looking out the window and down the road to your house and there's no one on the street." My mom spoke into the phone.

Where did she go? Is she okay? What happened?

"Oh.. Okay. I'll call you back in a minute."

I hung up right as Wilmer walked into the room, his face reading confusion. "Call Marissa and ask if Annie is over there. Then ask her to come over, please."

He nodded and pulled out his phone, walking to the living room.

After calling and texting Annie several times, I began calling everyone of Annie's friends who say they haven't seen her but if they do, they'll call me and vise versa. All I have left to call is Kate.


"Hey, Kate."

"Uh, hey, Demi."

Gosh this is so awkward.

"Have you seen Annie?"

"No? Why?"

I let out a frustrated groan and told Kate the story. Not about Wilmer or anything, but Annie storming out.

"Do you have Conners number?" I asked. "Or know where he lives?"

"No, I don't." She said. "But his parents are probably home and they would call you if she was there.. At least I would think. Plus, he has a curfew so it's not like they're out driving around if she's with him."

"You're right. Thanks, Kate." I said, hanging up the phone.

What if she's out wandering the streets? What do I do then? What if she's hurt? The only option left is to look for her, I guess.

"Marissa's on her way." I heard Wilmer say from behind me.

"Okay." I said.

I walked past him and bounded up the stairs to Annie's room to look for some kind of clue or some shit.

When I opened her door, everything was in its place like it should be. Except, the window to the roof was open signaling she forgot to close it. I've always thought climbing up on that roof was dangerous, but she does it anyway.

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