⛳️Ep.3: Golf War⛳️

Start from the beginning

"So if you don't mind getting out if the way of the professionals." She hit another golf ball, making another hole in one as Mabel stared in shock.

She then gave her trainer her club and gloves. "Enjoy second place. Give her a hand, folks!"

They all clapped for Mabel in a sarcastic manner, who glared at her enemy.


We all gasped, Mabel was one to rarely yell angrily at people, so it did surprise us.

After a few seconds, Pacifica turned to Label with an angry glare. "Like, let's do this."

It suddenly became really stormy and began to rain. The 'king' of the park was driving his golf cart through saying that the park was closed because of the sudden weather change. Mabel and Pacifica both decided to do the rematch late at night after the park close, then leave.

We then went to a Mexican restaurant nearby and sat down at a table waiting for it to be nighttime. Mabel stared out the window as she opened her mouth for me to give her nachos, before letting out a sigh.

"It's time to scratch mini golf off my talents lists..."

"C'mon, M, don't give up." Leo replied as I looked over to her.

"Yeah, if you beat her at this she could never rag on you again! Imagine it!"

You could tell she was imagining her greatest accomplishment, before standing up with a determined smile. "You're right, guys!!! I just need to practice a little more before midnight!!!"

"Go to the golf court after dark, you say?" Stan asked. "I don't know, we'd have to break in and- just kidding, let's break in!!!"

So we broke in.

The past hours, Mabel spent practicing her mini golfing skills while Stan and Soos stayed in the car. She tried to complete the last stage, but no matter how much she tried the ball golf ball wouldn't enter the hole.

She raised her club in anger. "Darn!!! Poop head darn!!!"

"Ugh, I don't get it! What's wrong with this hole?!" I complained.

(y/n) raised an eyebrow, walking over to the mountain of fake grass and placing her hand over it. "... Guys, come check this out."

I walked over, placing my ear against the mountain as some odd machine sounds came from the other side, making me gasp.

"What? What is it?"

"Grab your club!" I whispered to all of them, and I noticed (y/n)'s and Leo's were glowing as we inched a bit closer.

Leo pushed off a wooden plank as we all got ready for whatever was there. A gasp escaped all of us as we saw many tiny little creatures working inside the windmill, who all looked at us and gasped in horror before screaming.

That then turned into a screaming competition, until they all hid away, making us stop. One of them stepped out of their hiding spot. "We good, we good?"

We gave a small nod as it cleared their throat. "Alright, then! Hi, hello! I'm Franz and welcome to our home!"

"What the heck is this...?!?" (y/n) looked around in confusion.

Mabel tilted her head. "Are you guys tiny humans or enormous mini humans?"

Franz let out a chuckle. "Neither, we're Lilliputtians!!! Lilla- Lilla- the name makes more sense written out than spoken. And we control the balls!!! Behold!!!"

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