Ch. 25: Drunken Ramblings

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Everything felt perfect. The slow, dull thuds from Ian's heart, the soft fabric of his collared tee and his scent wrapped around her. After a few moments of Naina holding onto him tightly, Ian returned the hug. His hands rested on the small of her back.

"You okay with me hugging you?" he asked.

Naina raised her face so her chin rested on a button on his shirt. "Of course!" she exclaimed. "If I'm hugging you, it's totally okay if you hug me back. In fact, please do. I like hugs."


"I never thought I'd be able to get a hug this amazing. Your chest feels nice. So big and warm." She rubbed her cheek against it for emphasis. There was a bit of cushion, but it felt hard, like her favorite pillow. Soft hair curled out from where it was unbuttoned.

He laughed, and she could feel his voice pass through his body and into hers. "Naina, you sure you're not drunk?"

"I. Am. Not. Maybe you are." She closed her eyes and soon, the warmth surrounding her slowed everything down.

Ian's palm gripped her forehead like he was trying to read her temperature. The other arm was still wrapped around her waist, preventing her from falling down. She was bent over backwards, trying to patch together the stars in the sky.

The dream felt too real, though slowed down. Like she was experiencing a movie underwater. She felt him turn and his lovely voice, which sounded deeper than usual, said, "Deme! Help me!"

Her friend's familiar perfume floated over Naina; jasmine flower and cucumber had a distinct scent and she turned to smile at Deme. So many people she liked in her dream!

It felt too good to be true.

Deme bit her lip and tied her hair back. Like Ian, she felt Naina's forehead and clicked her tongue. "She'll be alright. I haven't seen her this drunk since last year."

"Is it alright to not take her to a hospital?"

Deme shook her head. "Yeah, she's fine, especially if she's talking like this. When she's drunk, she usually gets happy and giggly and then wakes up fine the following day."

Naina sighed, drawing both of their attentions. "I already told him I'm not drunk!"

"Right love," Deme said. "Ian, just get her a lot of water and food. Actually,  I can take her to my place if you'd like."

Naina hugged Ian tightly and she heard him wheeze. "I want to stay with him."

"Love, it'll be easier for me and him if you stay with me." Deme stroked Naina's hair and tucked it behind an ear.

"But I like him! I don't get many chances to be with him like this. Can't I have a dream go my way?" Naina huffed and pouted, trying to giving Deme the best puppy eyes she could.

Deme's eyes widened. "Dream—Are you kidding me? I thought you were awake!"

Ian's voice, steady and laughingly, said, "Uh, I mean, I don't mind if she stays with me. I doubt she'd going to let me go anytime soon."

Deme raised her head and looked at the sky, as if wondering how she'd gotten into this situation. It was with a calm tone, however, that she said, "Okay. Call me if you need anything. Good night Naina and Ian."

She gave Naina a small kiss and walked to her apartment after they wished the same.

"Guess you're staying with me tonight." His statement sounded like a question and she tilted her head up towards him.

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