" I hope that's okay." Alastor said not wanting an answer as he kept his eyes pointed at me

" Are you shittin' me?!" Husk yelled

" Hmm... no, I don't think so." Alastor said while itching towards me

" You thought it would be some kind of big fuckin' riot just to pull me outta nowhere?" Husk asked pissed off, Alastor snatched me pulling me into his own arms holding me up close against him. Unlike Alastor i love hugs and really any positive contact, Now...Alastor, hes kinda warm and very comfy!

" You think I'm some kinda fuckin' clown?" Husk asked with a low growl glaring at Alastor, I laughed and pointed at myself before laughing some more!

"...Maybe." Alastor said while I held back another laugh

" I ain't doin' no fuckin' charity job." Husk grumbled while crossing his arms, i pouted and still with a smile on my face i might have to add.

" Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment." Alastor said showing the spot where Husk will be positioned

" And with your charming smile and welcoming energy, this job was obviously made for you!" Alastor said cheerfully
" You'l be the man of the hour with your cheerful attitude!" I added on sarcastically while getting out of Alastors grasp

" Don't worry, my friend....I can make this more welcoming..." Alastor started as he magicked up a bottle of cheap booze, i placed a hand on my hip and pointed to the bar/front desk

" If you wish." I finished with a cheeky wink

" What?! you think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze?!" Husk yelled

" Well you can!" He said as he snatched up the bottle of booze, i placed my other hand on my hip and caught the spiders eye. He smirked an winked at me which i returned with a cheeky tongue poke-

" Hey hey, heyheyhey!" The grey one interrupted, i ignored most of what she was saying and slid my way over to Husk and popped up onto the counter as we casually chatted

" No, no bar, no alcohol. No sexual-" She gestured to me " -'Things'. This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! -Not some kind of... mouth, brothel, man-cave-"

The spider with a smack and a car horn noise

" Shut up! Shut! Up! We are keeping these."

" Hey." The spider said seductively, Husk rolled his eyes as he shuffled away from the bug

" Go fuck yourself." Husk muttered

" Only if you watch me." The spider replied

Charlie zzZZZzoooOOOoommmMMMmmeeeeEEeeddDDdd her way over

" Oh my gosh! Welcome to the Happy Hotel! You are going to love it here!" Charlie said excitedly

" I lost the ability to love most things years ago." Husk said, he gave me a wink " Most things."

I rolled my eyes playfully as Alastor motioned me over to him i reluctantly nodded and went over to his side, he wrapped his free arm around my waist

" So, what do you think?" Alastor asked

" This is amazing!" Charlie said with a squeak

" It's... okay." The grey one said

" This is going to be very entertaining!" Alastor said, I nudged him as he spun me to the side. Dejected i sighed and rubbed my side, smiling as wide as i could manage i made my way back over to Husk i slipped up onto the counter once more as we watched Alastor sing his lil dity.

Alastor x Male!Clown!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now