Chapter 8

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We got to the grocery store and I told Angel EVERYTHING! How Johnny came up to me and how surprised I was to see him standing there.

“I can tell you’re really into him” Angel said smiling happily

“I don’t know? I just barely met him and today was our first actual converstaion we had. For all I know he could be a big time player”

“Oy, what’s up with all of these negative thoughts girl. Like you said, you two just barely met and today was your first time talking to him so just wait and seee how things go when you guys talk more”

“That’s if he ever calls me” I said with a little puppy sad face

“He will! Why would he ask for your number? DUH!” We both just giggled and carried on grocery shopping.

“I hope so” I said silently to myself.

"So what do you think about him?"

"I think he's sweet but I can tell he has a bad boy side to him. Which I really like"

"Good! So he wont be boring"

"I know right!" we both started laughing....

We got done and headed back to my house. The guys were home with my brother. I gave everyone a quick hi and brought everything inside. The guys of course grabbed everything to munch on instead of helping me put it away.  After I was done I headed upstairs.

I plopped down lying on my bed and was just thinking about today. Angel walked in on me with a grin on my face.

“Love is in the air” Angel sang away.....

“Please I don’t even know the guy” I said laughing

“HA! I knew you were thinking about him”

“Is it that obvious?” I said looking down. My facial expression had changed and Angel noticed the sudden change

“What’s wrong?” she said to me looking concern.

“Um, there’s something I haven’t told you yet about Johnny”

“What is it?” she said curiously

“Um remember last night when Michael said he kicked out some guys from Lincoln?” I hesitated for a few seconds and continued “well Johnny was one of them!”

She looked at me shocked with her mouth open and her eyes widen “What???? Mia noo…”

“Angel I know but you know I don’t care about stuff like that. I don’t care about what school he went too or if he’s rich or not. That doesn’t matter to me”

“Mia, it’s not about that. Last night Michael looked pretty pist off and I’m sure he has his reasons to why he kicked him and his friends out. He looked like he hated them and he had that death glare”

“Yeah I know. I don’t even know how they know each other. I didn’t really bother asking Johnny”

“WAIT!!!” she paused and looked at me. “Does he know you and Michael are brothers and sisters?”

“I don’t know?” I said shrugging my shoulders “I never said anything about us being related. I think he probably thinks we are just friends from Spencer”

“Mia, this could get bad. You do know that right?”

“Yeah but like we both said, we just met. Who knows what going to happen? But Angel you have to promise me you won’t say anything!”

“You know I won’t. I promise! Just be careful okay!”

“I will don’t worry!”

“Well hey the guys want to watch a movie. You up for it?”

“Yeah sure! I’m just gonna change into something comfy and I’ll be down. Did you want to change into anything?”

“No I’m fine” she said and walked out shutting the door behind her.

I changed into my Victoria Secret shorts and a matching shirt. I brought my snuggie down with me just in case I get cold. Michael always has the AC blasting during the summer time. I walked down stairs and made myself some kettlecorn popcorn. My favorite! I grabbed a drink for me in the fridge and headed into the theatre room. They had already started the movie so I went and sat down next to Angel who was of course next to Michael. Caleb, Angelo and Gabe were sitting in front of us.  I looked over to the both of them and couldn’t help but smile. I honestly wouldn’t mine my best friend dating my brother. I know what kindof girl Angel is and she will never do anything wrong to him.

Towards the middle of the movie I was already getting tired and was falling asleep. My eyes were about to shut when I felt my iPhone vibrate. It was a text message from Johnny.

“Hey there baby girl”….. I could feel my face getting warm and I had butterflies flying around in my stomach. I quietly snuck out of the theatre room and headed to the living room and immediately text him back.

“Hey there =)!”

In Love With The Enemy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now