Chapter 1

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My mom died when I was three. I don't really remember much about her but dad would tell me stories about how they first met and fell in love. And he would always tell me I remind him so much of her. From my hair to my smile! I don't really ask questions about my mother's death. Dad always seem to change the subject when it gets brought up. All I know is that she was murdered.

As I grew older I accepted my mother's death but it was still a mystery to me. Growing up without a mom wasn't so bad. Dad had Claudia who was my nanny up until I was 18 to teach me all about the girl stuff. So I wasn't completely lost during my teenage years. But being surrounded by mostly boys all the time can be annoying.

I didn't have a normal childhood like most kids did. My brother and I always had Tony and Steve to look after us. They are our body guards. I never really understood why we needed them to be around us 24/7 but I figured since mom's death, it had something to do with it. Dad wouldn't allow me and my brother to go to public schools so we both graduated from a private school name Spencer Academy in Staten Island, New York.

Michael is two years older than me. In high school he was always a protective brother. Still is..... He's very popular with the ladies! The girls would drool all over him and his little posse. And the only reason why the girls would even talk to me is to get close to Michael. I don't know what it is girls see in his bad boy image but even the guys want to him.

Caleb, who is my brother's best friend and sidekick since kindergarten is always around. I never really mind being around him much but things started to get awkward between him and me after we stopped dating. It's been two months since we broke up but he still acts like we are together. Any guy that dared to even stare at me, he feels the need to hover all over me! My feelings for him are just not the same. He was moving way to fast and acting like my husband already. At 21, I just want to live my life being free and not being tied down. Then there was Angelo and Gabe. Those two are just followers in my brothers little crew.

Caleb's dad and my dad are really good friends as well. They've been business partners for a very long time. I never really paid much attention or even bother to ask what kind of business my dad is in but I know it wasn't always good. They would have their little secret meetings once a week in our banquet room at the house and would go away on business trips for a few days. Like Michael and I, my dad also had body guards around him at all times. When he needed to go somewhere he would have drivers to take him and securities would fallow.

Money wasn't always an issue at home. Michael and I are very well taken care of and very spoiled. Our home was as great as it can get. Most kids would love all of the things we got. A nice big house and a few nice cars to drive around. It wasn't all so great to me. Dad was really strict and never really let us out of the house alone. I guess that's why he gave us everything we wanted. But having years of experienced, we managed to get pass the securities a few times.

Michael was worse; I cannot count how many times I had to cover up for him, or how many times I heard dad yell at him for getting caught sneaking in late. But now at 23, dad is more lenient on him. And boy did he take advantage of that. He went out when he wanted and stayed out as late as he wanted too.

As for me, I have a curfew at 1:00 am. How unfair! Most girls my age stayed out as late as they wanted too. If I stayed out any later, dad would send Michael after me. Better Michael than Tony and Steve. See what I mean when I say boys are annoying?

I'm always with my best friend Angela. I call her Angel. That's because I seriously think she is an angel heaven sent to me. She's been there for me through it all. I can always count on her for anything and I do mean everything. I've had girls who pretended to be my friend and betrayed me in the end. Angel was always there. I love being around her. She's so full of energy and life. Like Michael, she did not care to let everyone know she is a little rebel. If anybody dared to mess with her or me, she can throw it down like Mike Tyson.

I seem to be the girl with everything except a mother. But I don't need any sympathy from anyone. I've been loving my life the way it is. I have my dad, my big brother, and the bestest friend a girl can ask for. Right after highschool I went straight to college. My goal is to become an elementary teacher and possibly write a book one day. Life has never been complicated for me. But I little did I know complications was heading my way!

This is my story and it all started at my brothers party!

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