Chapter 23

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Day’s keep passing by as the cold is fading away slowly. It’s March already and I have been trying to raise my grades up in school. My counselor pulled me in her office one day and had a talk with me about why my grades have been dropping. I just told her I had a lot of things going on and kind of lost my concentration.

 After our talk I realized I have worked too hard to get to where I’m at. Even though I’m torn about losing Johnny, I can’t let it affect my school work. A month from now, I’m due to walk out of here with my bachelors and if it doesn’t happen then my four years of hard work in college was for nothing. I’m sure my dad would be very disappointed also.

For the past few weeks, I have been working my ass off to get my grades and GPA up. My professors are awesome to let me retake the tests that I’ve scored low on. I’ve been doing a lot of extra credits and made sure all of my homework’s are done at my best especially my essays.

I’m sitting in my education class listening to my professor lecture us about the importance of teaching. I have always wanted to be a teacher and I enjoy working with kid’s and most of all I wanted to make a difference in a child’s life. I’m happy with my decision of career choice and wouldn’t change it for anything.

“That’s all for today class. See you next week, have a good weekend” my professor said. I packed all of my books away and threw my bag over my shoulder. I was heading to the library so I can get some studying done. I didn’t wanna go home anyways, so I figured I stay in school a little longer. As I reached for the door of the library, another hand grabbed a hold of mine at the same time. I looked up surprised to Jason of all people standing there

“Hey” he said to me

“Um hi” I said looking at him confused. I wonder why he’s here. The last time I saw him, he wasn’t so happy with me. Not that I could blame him or anything, but college was the last place I’d didn’t think to run into him. “What are you doing here?”

“I came here to find you. Can we talk?”

“You sure you wanna talk to me?”

“Yes I’m sure” he rolls his eyes…. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important”

Instead of going in to the library, we walked around the school. We walk in silent as I kept looking down at the floor. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about. “So how’s school?” Jason says finally breaking the silence.

“Jason, you didn’t come here to talk to me about school. So what’s up?”

“Yeah school is boring” he chuckled… “I came to talk to you about Johnny”

“What’s there to talk about? We’ve been done for months now” I said sadly. Gosh I can feel my heart breaking all over again when I mention his name. For months now I’ve been wishing Johnny would come and find me so we can be together again.  

“I know, but ever since you two broke up he hasn’t been the same. He’s really torn inside Mia. I’ve never seen him like this before”

“What do you want me to do? He’s made it perfectly clear he wants nothing to do with me” I said as tears starts forming in my eyes as I fight hard for them to not drop… “And so did you remember”

“I was never mad at you Mia. I was just really disappointed” he said sounding like he meant it. I’m so relieve to find out Jason doesn’t hate me, but I don’t know if I can say the same for Johnny… “I’m sorry if I was being a jerk. It just sucks how everything went down”

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