Chapter 38

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I arrived at my hotel at about midnight and am pretty surprise at how fast everything got arranged and how fast I got here. Unpacking my stuff and going over my game plan, I am so tempted right now to go on ahead and find Mia already. But I know I should wait until tomorrow because it is pretty late already

I hopped onto my queen size hotel bed and took out my laptop ready to do some research on this place. I have never heard of Oceanside before, but I found out that it is not too far from San Diego.

I’ve suggested moving to San Diego, but Mia decided on San Francisco so I just agreed to whatever she wanted. I guess now I know her reason why she didn’t want to move to San Diego because it was too close to where she wants to be. And after all, I am the last person that she wants to find her.

I googled Mission Elementary and found its address so I map quested the it and wrote down the direction so I can have it ready for me tomorrow. I wonder if I should go early in the morning to her school or if I should wait until school is over?

What good will it do if I go in the morning when she is in the middle of teaching right? Maybe I can go sightsee a little and head over to the school when class is over. What time do elementary school ends anyway? It’s been too long so I can’t remember. Don’t they have naps?

Gosh who am I kidding? What if that’s not even her that Jason found on the computer. For all I know, there are thousands of Mia’s in America. What are the odds that this person will be her? Maybe Jason is right, I shouldn’t get my hopes up for it to be a total failure in the end

Yawning to myself, I shut off my laptop and set it on the floor so I can maybe shut my eyes and have some good night sleep. I haven’t been sleeping so well lately because of the urgency of finding Mia keeping me awake.

I think back to the time when I first saw her and from that moment she captured my heart. I never wanted any girl so badly in my life until I met her and it scared me at first, but she became this addicted drug that I had to have all the time

She took a knife and stabbed my heart the day she left me and it’s kept a permanent scar that only she can take away. I know most people think that I am crazy for going through so much trouble in finding her, but what do they know about my love for her.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would fall madly in love this young. People say that when you love someone, you have to learn to let them go. I think that phrase is a complete idiotic quote and whoever made that up should be kicked in the stomach for making a saying so stupid

When you love someone you do not let them go. You keep them as happy as possible and keep them safe from any harm and from running away. When you love someone, you love them unconditionally like you will never love another and hold them close to you like you can never be close enough.

With all of these thoughts and emotions going through my head, I try hard to fight these tears from forming in my eyes. I have never cried for anybody before especially for a girl, but for Mia she deserves it all if it means I can have her in my arms once again. Shortly after, I feel my eyes starting to go weaken and that’s when I let sleep take over me


Waking up from a deep sleep, I look over at the time and realized it is almost ten. I was hoping to wake up earlier so I can check out the school in the morning and see if I can spot Mia, but I guess I can wait until school is over

Kicking the covers off, I got myself up and headed to the bathroom to take a nice long shower. The plan for today is to go get a rental car, grab a bite to eat, and go sightseeing to keep myself occupied for the time being.

In Love With The Enemy (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin